Bump on head

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Apr 27, 2020
Hi, just looking for a bit of advice.
Our girlie dutches has a bump on her head, im pretty sure she has banged it as it came up very suddenly and slowly went down over the course of about an hr, leaving a smaller lump. We kept a close eye on her and she seemed her usual self, this was 2 days ago now that this happened.

She is a respy girl and we have been back and forth to the vets in the past, and at the moment she is on baytril and metacam for her chest atm.

So this morning I am not sure if the lump has got a bit bigger again, it never did completely go.

Another point that I do not know if related or not, is earlyer on in the day that the bump it appeared, we had to get one of her sister put to sleep. We had 4 rat bags, so now have 3 so she is not alone.

We have had girlie's before with tumors and abscess and I do not think this is what it is. I have tried to get a gd photo but she wasn't really feeling the photo shoot. Any advice would be appreciated, as we are just a bit concerned.


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So spoke to vet this morn, going to keep her on meds for 7 days and see how she goes. Vet is thinking either an injury or possibly abscess.