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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2008
Kawartha Lakes Ontario CANADA
I tried intros tonite, and it went in my opinion they went horribly BAD! :cry3:
Toby and Murdoch just kinda stayed away from everyone, and as soon as Henry was put in the tub, BOOM! Brill and him went at it... :sad3:

Tight ball form, and I got it too... Henry got the worst of it though... He's got a big bite on his side...He seems to be recovering somewhat well, he's out running with Murdoch right now, and Cole's giving them cheerios :wink2: Cole started FREAKING right out, screaming "mama, no, get him, get Henry he's cryin'..." Then Cole along with Henry started screaming...


Henry's alright, i'll keep an eye on his leg, but damn did Brill ever get him. His leg was bleeding, not a TON of blood, but enough. I knew this would happen, and it's why i've hummed and hawed over intros with these 4 guys... It started even before tonite, with Brill and Henry again, Brill bit his toe, the tip with nail, almost off...

Crazy guys...

SO, what do I do next?!?!?!?! Do I wait a couple of days to let Henry recover, and try again, WITHOUT Cole around, (which is NEVER) or do I scrap it all, and just have 2 cages(which I don't mind)

Good GRIEF, I pannicked myself, poor boy... and Coley too :giggle:
EEK. Sorry to hear it didn't go well. I'm sure you'll get lots of useful advice from others. But I'm afraid I would be one to suggest NOT to try again. :sad3:

We've has both good and bad intro's over the years. But we always go on the "no blood, no foul" rule. We've had a few trips to the ER for ear stitches...and it's very stressful for both the rattie and their humans.

I must admit, I have only introduced males to each other, when they are babies, or the newbies are neutered. Each time I've tried otherwise, it went horribly wrong and FAST. I recently just tried to intro our two new lab boys (approx 8 months) to our 4 other boys (6 months). The lab boys are sweet as can be, and I thought my other boys were too. It only took half a second before Oliver attacked both our lab boys and drew blood on them both. I immediately separated them, and will NOT even think of trying again. I've promised Nick and Benny that they will have a couple of nice spayed ladies in their future. :heart:

If you really do want to make the intro's with your boys work, I might suggest trying it with the most docile boys first, until they are sure to get along. Then maybe slowly try the bully in a completely neutral spot (not the normal play area to any of them) and see. How old are your boys? If they are in that testosterone loaded phase (5+ months and beyond) it might be quite the uphill battle for you.
If you are okay with 2 cages, I would stay like that especially with older boys and both Brill and Henry wanting to be dominant. I was hoping you were getting younger boys that would be an easy intro, but it didn't work that way.
Shelagh, you've helped me a TON with these boys, and i'll be taking your advice AGAIN!
I thought this might happen, BUT what happens when Toby goes, (heaven forbid) and then that leaves Brill alone...

What then?
Debbie said:
If you really do want to make the intro's with your boys work, I might suggest trying it with the most docile boys first, until they are sure to get along. Then maybe slowly try the bully in a completely neutral spot (not the normal play area to any of them) and see. How old are your boys? If they are in that testosterone loaded phase (5+ months and beyond) it might be quite the uphill battle for you.

My boys range from 4mos-2 yearsish...
I think i'll be keeping it to 2 cages from now on...

ANOTHER question,
What do I do about keeping them in the same room? Leave 'em or move 'em?
I would say keep them in the same room it shouldn't really be an issue if the boys are far way enough from each other. I ahd something like this happen when I intro'ed Eli to the skinkids. Eli ended up with a huge gash and Davey had a nip to his face. And now...they all live happily in the same cage. There is still a lot of bickering and every once in a while a skinkid will turn up with a big cut or Eli who recently lost a toe nail (however I think that Eli did this to himself, he's done it before). I would suggest maybe if you're willing try it one more time and really watch them but hey why tempt fate, my boys needed to live together cuz I wsn't going to take two cages to Guelph and have my landlard think I was totally insane. I think if everyone is fine where they are you should be good as for your old man getting lonely, truthfully I got the skinkids for Eli and now I think the skinkids are causing Eli undue stress, sure they sleep together and groom each other but Eli is constantly getting flipped, they steal his food (he's greedy) and I think he may have been better off as a single rat but what's done is done, I would say make sure he actually looks lonely and is getting depressed (I have no idea how long this takes) the make the decision to find him a buddy.
Oh boy... that's the not so fun part of having boys. For someone inexperienced, I too would say to chuck the intros and just have two cages. But, as they age and get used to each others smell in the room, you could always try again, in several months from now. But it's not necessary. You can keep them in the same room and use the same play area but be aware that the bully may become so stressed out, he may lash out at his humans.
It can take two weeks for a bully to feel safe and secure in their own home before their true colours come through.

I hope your son is not too badly shaken up by this. It would be a shame if this made him scared of rats. You could explain to him that animals become overwhelmed and have a hard time understanding and coping with their new emotions with their new families which is pretty much the truth. The rats don't mean to cause harm and pain, they just don't know how to act otherwise, unlike humans, we can use words to show our emotions, animals can't so they use touch to communicate their feelings.
thanks everyone!
Cole's alright. that's what's GREAT about 2 yr olds! LOL! They usually forget after a period of time... Plus he's seen ALOT of 'things' in his little life, that he's got the understanding of an older child... I think he was SO upset because Henry's HIS HEART RAT! He loves his Henry THE MOST!

As for intros I think we'll ditch that idea, for now anyway. It REALLY stressed poor Toby out too... My poor guy.

I might even put them in different rooms, Brill's ALWAYS climbing up their cage, and who knows what will happen if for some strange reason i've got to leave the room for a second...
I just don't want to chance them getting hurt. :wink2:
In the future if you do decide to try again, I would make sure the boys were neutered and their testosterone levels had time to drop.
Henry's leg is swollen, and sore today. Poor man :sad3:
So Shleagh has helped me figure out doses of baytril, and advil to keep him happy!

Man does Henry ever like meds! He gobbled up both, and tried to steal my syringe too! :wink2:
He's still moving around, and eating and drinking, so that's a good thing. and thank goodness my other critters get sick... i've got baytril comming out my ying yang...
I called the vet just now, and she said she'd order me up some more baytril, so i've just gotta go pick it up! mtacam, as well, but she said advil's just as good. and that's all she'd do with Henry anyway...
:thumbup: thanks Shelagh!


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