Well-Known Member
Hey all, it's been a while!
I'm working through quite a few issues with my rat family right now, the major one being Misty's bowel problem. Wednesday night I came home and she looked like she was at death's door. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing rapidly, dragging herself with her front legs towards the corner where she layed down on her side and well, looked like she was waiting for death.
I picked her up and noticed that she was extremely bloated. Her belly was puffy and very soft. Right away I noticed that she was impacted and could see that the feces was about 4 times the normal size. I brought her to the sink and disimpacted her (which she was surprisingly grateful for!) and she then had diarrhea on and off for about 45 minutes. After that she pepped up right away! Her eyes were wide open, her belly was practically down to normal size and she was running around happy and able to use her back legs again.
I watched her carefully over the next few days and she was drinking, eating, pooping and urinating normally. Actually she seemed to even be a little more hungry than usual. Last night I was playing with her and she all of a sudden went from happy and energetic, to hunching over in a corner with her eyes shut and stress bruxing. She looked like she was trying to poop. She was getting puffier by the hour all day but not as badly as before and didn't have any obvious impaction. I felt her perineum and it was bulging, so I tried to massage her tail/butt area while she was hunched over because that had helped while she was having diarrhea on Wednesday. When it didn't help I decided to try disimpaction again and it worked. This time is was only twice as big as usual, but she continued to have intermittent diarrhea for the next couple hours. Her skin was very stiff as well so I assume she was dehydrated. She is energetic, happy and social. I gave her some prune and apple to try to prevent the constipation. Her eating today has been normal or a bit excessive. I haven't been around long enough to observe her drinking but her skin rebounds quickly. I have her with a cagemate, Barret, and I am pretty sure there are only poops from him in the cage. Her anus still looks there is pressure on it but the perenium doesn't look abnormal.
Should I try to disimpact her again tonight before it gets too bad? I don't want her to become dependent on it or desensitized but I don't want her to be in pain or in danger. Do you think this could be a simple case of constipation or is something else going on? She is 13 months old and had a large little when she was just 10 weeks old. Otherwise she has always seemed very healthy!
I'm aware that the other group issues might be stressing her out. We're working on all of them, so maybe that will also help. The "protector" of the group Mackenzie died a couple months ago, and shortly after Theodore started tormenting everyone. It was very bad, drawing blood of some (not Misty) and everyone was scared to leave their safe spots. I moved him into another cage for a trial seperation, and it was great for a few days (although I felt bad for him) but then Thriller started tormenting everyone to a lesser extent. I don't want to make this post toooo long but I tried to pair him up with each of the others and the best one was Thriller, after a couple days the fighting stopped except for the occasional screaming wrestling match, no blood. I am trying to slowly reintroduce the two groups using the bathtub and a little bit of peanut butter on their backs. They are getting along wonderfully and cuddling, bruxing & boggling and sharing food nicely. I also just started treating them for lice with ivermectin on Wednesday (because of all the extra attention Misty got, I realized she had some eggs and saw one moving lice. No idea, how they got 'em, I've never had any bugs here before and haven't been around any other rats, I use clean towels for bedding...But I suppose my dad's cat might have carried one inside?
So that's my story, thank you so much for reading!!
I'm working through quite a few issues with my rat family right now, the major one being Misty's bowel problem. Wednesday night I came home and she looked like she was at death's door. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing rapidly, dragging herself with her front legs towards the corner where she layed down on her side and well, looked like she was waiting for death.
I picked her up and noticed that she was extremely bloated. Her belly was puffy and very soft. Right away I noticed that she was impacted and could see that the feces was about 4 times the normal size. I brought her to the sink and disimpacted her (which she was surprisingly grateful for!) and she then had diarrhea on and off for about 45 minutes. After that she pepped up right away! Her eyes were wide open, her belly was practically down to normal size and she was running around happy and able to use her back legs again.
I watched her carefully over the next few days and she was drinking, eating, pooping and urinating normally. Actually she seemed to even be a little more hungry than usual. Last night I was playing with her and she all of a sudden went from happy and energetic, to hunching over in a corner with her eyes shut and stress bruxing. She looked like she was trying to poop. She was getting puffier by the hour all day but not as badly as before and didn't have any obvious impaction. I felt her perineum and it was bulging, so I tried to massage her tail/butt area while she was hunched over because that had helped while she was having diarrhea on Wednesday. When it didn't help I decided to try disimpaction again and it worked. This time is was only twice as big as usual, but she continued to have intermittent diarrhea for the next couple hours. Her skin was very stiff as well so I assume she was dehydrated. She is energetic, happy and social. I gave her some prune and apple to try to prevent the constipation. Her eating today has been normal or a bit excessive. I haven't been around long enough to observe her drinking but her skin rebounds quickly. I have her with a cagemate, Barret, and I am pretty sure there are only poops from him in the cage. Her anus still looks there is pressure on it but the perenium doesn't look abnormal.
Should I try to disimpact her again tonight before it gets too bad? I don't want her to become dependent on it or desensitized but I don't want her to be in pain or in danger. Do you think this could be a simple case of constipation or is something else going on? She is 13 months old and had a large little when she was just 10 weeks old. Otherwise she has always seemed very healthy!
I'm aware that the other group issues might be stressing her out. We're working on all of them, so maybe that will also help. The "protector" of the group Mackenzie died a couple months ago, and shortly after Theodore started tormenting everyone. It was very bad, drawing blood of some (not Misty) and everyone was scared to leave their safe spots. I moved him into another cage for a trial seperation, and it was great for a few days (although I felt bad for him) but then Thriller started tormenting everyone to a lesser extent. I don't want to make this post toooo long but I tried to pair him up with each of the others and the best one was Thriller, after a couple days the fighting stopped except for the occasional screaming wrestling match, no blood. I am trying to slowly reintroduce the two groups using the bathtub and a little bit of peanut butter on their backs. They are getting along wonderfully and cuddling, bruxing & boggling and sharing food nicely. I also just started treating them for lice with ivermectin on Wednesday (because of all the extra attention Misty got, I realized she had some eggs and saw one moving lice. No idea, how they got 'em, I've never had any bugs here before and haven't been around any other rats, I use clean towels for bedding...But I suppose my dad's cat might have carried one inside?
So that's my story, thank you so much for reading!!