Well-Known Member
PC is still on meds for a URI, he's taking doxy and baytril, for the third week now.. he will continue for one more week.
This evening I noticed his left rear paw, innermost little toe seems inflamed. I tried taking photos, but they all came out fuzzy. Here are the best two, which I hope are at least some help.
I'm wondering if I should give him metacam for a day or two? He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but I thought this might get the swelling down. I'm assuming that the abs he's already taking should prevent any infection in the toe. But it's clearly red and swollen. Or is it best to just leave this alone for now, not medicate, and just keep an eye on it?
I'm a bit paranoid 'cause he's had a bout with arthritis with his feet in the past, and because this is the second round of abs for his URI. Poor guy seems to be prone to getting stuff... I just recently started him on a new vitamin supplement, to see if we can boost his immune system. fingers crossed!
This evening I noticed his left rear paw, innermost little toe seems inflamed. I tried taking photos, but they all came out fuzzy. Here are the best two, which I hope are at least some help.

I'm wondering if I should give him metacam for a day or two? He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but I thought this might get the swelling down. I'm assuming that the abs he's already taking should prevent any infection in the toe. But it's clearly red and swollen. Or is it best to just leave this alone for now, not medicate, and just keep an eye on it?
I'm a bit paranoid 'cause he's had a bout with arthritis with his feet in the past, and because this is the second round of abs for his URI. Poor guy seems to be prone to getting stuff... I just recently started him on a new vitamin supplement, to see if we can boost his immune system. fingers crossed!