Beryl's Tail Wound -- Almost Back to Normal

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2009
Las Cruces, NM
I hate the way that infections can seem to crop up overnight. *sigh*

About a week ago, Stock and Beryl got into a fight, and it sliced open Beryl's tail. I'd been keeping an eye on the wound, which had scabbed over and seemed to be healing OK; I was rinsing it out every day, but wasn't sure if I should peel the scab or let it heal on its own and cleaning it was making him spazz out so I didn't peel the scab, just rinsed it in water and checked for inflammation, pus, pain, etc. Yesterday, I noticed that his tail seemed more swollen than it had been, and the scab seemed about twice as big as it had been, but I convinced myself I was imagining things.

Then, today...blood, all over the cage shelf. I freaked out, plucked him out, and saw that his tail-scab had split open (or he'd chewed it open, or his brother bit him, or...something) and the area was more swollen. I went to go rinse it out, to get a better idea of how bad it is. There's a slight "infection" smell, too...I recognize the smell from when Echo's tumor ulcerated and it brings back such awful memories that now I'm freaking out bad.

Got some pictures:

As close-up as I could get. The white-ish parts are tissue of some kind (I think), there's resistance when you try to move them anyway and I'm too scared to try to tug them. The black parts are the two halves of the scab that burst open.

To give an idea of scale. the whole area is about the size of, fingernail, maybe?

His activity level is fine, he's feisty and lovey and aside from really hating the water would let me touch it and probe around.

What do I do? Unfortunately at this precise moment I can't take him to the vet, I didn't get paid for my short-term disability from the surgery and had to dip into my savings to pay rent/doctor bills. If I absolutely have to I might be able to borrow some money but if there is ANY way I can handle this at home I'd really, really rather do that, between empty bank account and spazzing rat.

Should I be keeping him separate from the others? Should I be bandaging it or keeping it open? Do I pick the scab? How often do I wash it and do I use saline or hydrogen peroxide or...? gaaah I'm freaking out right now!

Also, I think he's chewing it. I've got him in his carrier next to the comp right now and he's definitely grooming at it/nibbling at the loose skin. That may well be how it got so much bigger than it was....gah.

The white part in the middle looks like his tail bones (spine) to me. I dunno how fixable this is... he might need an amputation, though those more experienced than I can weigh in on that...

The chewing is probably pain, he's going to need pain meds and an antibiotic.

Also, I've put the pictures in a spoiler... for the sake of those with weak stomachs. Haha!
haha sorry Chelle, I thought about putting it in a spoiler and then forgot to before I hit post.

I don't think it's the bone. The white bits are definitely squishy and seem more around the edges than the center. I'm thinking it might be fat? Or a lower-layer of skin? The pictures do make it look a bit worse than it looks IRL, it's not SUPER deep.

I'm calling the vet tomorrow to see if maybe they'll take pity on me since he's one of the shelter-rescues and they'll do it low cost or on a payment plan. What can I give him for pain tonight? I have tylenol (regular strength) and aspirin?
not in the house. Just adult-doses of everything. I know someone with a baby though, I'll see if I can get some from them...although considering it's 12:26 AM I don't think much of anything is happening until tomorrow on that front.

Incidentally as a note on my OP, I don't think all the blood on the shelf was from him. I just checked his brother and he's got a couple new bites on him.
Tails bleed a LOT so it could be him.

He really needs pain meds tonight... he's probably in a lot of pain. Is there any 24-hour drug stores near you? Even a convenience store might have something...
Pain meds for sure, and I would definitely maybe try sitz baths with saline to start. And beg those vets if possible. Keep a feel on the tip of his tail, as to whether it gets really hot (infected) or cold (loss of blood flow and amputation might be in his future).

How much is it to get him seen at the vet and get abs?
There's a walgreens down the street. What's the best thing to get, motrin/advil/tylenol...? And in liquid form?

Also just took a look at the wound again (he's so not happy with me right now). It's not actively bleeding/oozing but it's sort of wet/glossy-looking. It's wide but fairly shallow, at its deepest it's thinner than a penny (horrible descriptions I know...gah) and it doesn't seem to go *in* to the muscle at least. Like, if I move his tail, the skin moves but I don't see anything inside of the cut rippling or anything. Whatever that's worth.

Should I try to bandage it with something or leave it open? He's definitely stressy, he's all puffed up and breathing a little hard....but I'm not sure how much of that is from pain and how much is from being man-handled and having his tail (and most of the lower half of his body since he wouldn't stop squirming) washed. He's still not quite warmed up to being held. He's still very happily snatching crackers though and munching down.

Shelagh -- the rest of his tail looks/feels great so far at least. Good color and the temperature is OK. Normal vet visit + baytril tends to run me about $60.
Yes, children/infant liquid Advil is best. Most rats like the grape flavor. I would get some tonight, and as I said, I can help you work out the dosage.
Definitely leave it uncovered and make sure his environment is clean, clean, clean.

I would pick up the grape, dye-free infant advil...rats seem to like the taste more than the cherry. Can you give us an approx weight on him?
Kk. right now I'm keeping him in his carrier with a clean blanket for bedding, so I can easily change it out, wash it, and rotate. Heading out now for the advil.

Mer. I really need to buy a scale. He's pretty small, girl-sized. Maybe in the 400g range?
And back victorious, with grape-flavored infant's advil! Beryl is eyeballing me in a thoroughly distrusting manner, I think he knows what's up, heh.
It says 50mg/1.25 mL.

And like I said, I'm approximating Beryl to be around 400g. Maybe a bit less, but probably no less than 350g (he's looking much better now, btw, since he's dried himself off and eaten a few crackers and a couple lab blocks. Not nearly as puffy).
For a 400g rat using the maximum recommended dose of 30mg/kg, at a concentration of 40mg/ml, he can have up to 0.3ml.
Kk, all done. Wish all my rats were that easy to medicate, he's licking his chops like he just had something seriously delicious.

How often should I dose him, and should I go ahead and do a sitz bath/saline soak now? And should I try to manually clean out the wound/peel the scab if it softens up?

Also....thank you guys. *hugs* you're lifesavers. Why is it I always find myself on here in the wee hours of the morning with a sick rat?
okies :) He's snoozing now. He will not be happy with me come soaking-time. At least I have tomorrow off work so I can 1.) talk to the vet, 2.) yell at payroll for not paying me what I was owed and 3.) keep an eye on him. And sleep somewhere in there, since I didn't do any of that last night.

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