Behaviour change... nipping, quiet/shy ~ Why? Update

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2010
Ottawa, ON
Miss Skrat is one of the 3 first rat girls we got last Oct. She was 6 weeks old when we got her. One of her sisters died so we got two more girls, then a single girl. We did intros. (mid-end of Nov.) All progressed nicely. So, that's 5 girls.
When doing intros., Miss Skrat was good. She was never one of the girls to fight. She stood her ground, but it seemed to be like she just wanted everyone to get along. lol
I always saw Miss Skrat at the gentler of her sisters. She seemed to be more "snuggly". Didn't run quite as much, liked to stop and enjoy more skritches than her sisters.
She is 4 1/2 months old now.

We brought in 4 older, not as healthy rats a few weeks ago. Two of these girls have respiratory illness, which has gotten better. I didn't know this could be so contagious... thinking it was like asthma in humans. I let the "young girls" and "old girls" sniff each other that first day. When I read about the contagious part, the "old girls" went upstairs, and we kept the "young girls" downstairs for a couple weeks. Both cages are upstairs now, but in different rooms.

On Thursday last week, our son said Miss Skrat's breathing sounded funny. She was clicking a bit. I noticed some wheezing/clicking later in the afternoon too, and tried giving her some of my inhaler. She was NOT happy about that.

Friday, she made some chirping noises, but it didn't last long.

Saturday, I thought we could try doing intros. The respiratory problems didn't seem to be passed on to the other older girls so I figured they weren't contagious and so maybe introing everyone would be okay. We put them in a large cardbaord box together. Sniffs galore. The older girls were more "shy". Didn't have any scraps. Did this for about 30 mins.

All the girls were pooped. Snacked and settled in for naps.
Our son had two friends come over. One of his friends spent a lot of time with the young rats. I let them roam free, and this friend was being gentle with them; however, Miss Skrat didn't want to come out of the cage... very strange. She seemed scared. She didn't even want to come out with me so I let her be. This was around noon.

At 3pm, the older sister of the two friends visiting came to pick them up. She wanted to meet all the rats. Visited the old girls first, then into the room with the young girls. She has 2 pet rats of her own, and has owned rats for a few years. She asked me if they bit... no. never. I step out of the room for a second, she reaches in to let the rats sniff her hand... Miss Skrat nipped her finger! Enough to draw a little blood.

Of all these rats, and all the intros., I've never had a problem. Even the second pair of rats we got who were given treats through the bars constantly by a 2 year-old, lived in a tiny cage and had very little out time... they were definitely shy at first, but have never nipped, even though the owner warned us to be careful about them (because one bit her kitten!).

I thought... maybe Miss Skrat got overwhelmed by the intros., new people, etc...

Later that night, opened up the cage for free time... Miss Skrat was not interested. She has burrowed herself in a box by herself. Sun. morning Miss Skrat still seemed a little out of sorts. She was still in this box by herself and didn't seem interested in coming out of the cage. We brought her down to be by herself for the afternoon to see how she did... she basically napped.

Took her back to her cage. Checked back an hour later. She nipped my finger through the bars, didn't draw blood... never, never, never had a problem with anyone doing this. I skritch their noses through the bars and such. They've all been okay with this.

This evening, she nipped my son's finger, and drew a little blood. He reached in just to get "kisses/licks" from her.

I don't understand what could be happening for this sudden change in bahaviour.

None of the girls are spayed.
She may be very sick and not showing many symptoms. My first step would be to get her checked out at the vet. In the meantime, make sure she is eating and drinking - anything is better than nothing. If she's ok, you'll need to take a break from intros and go back to the very beginning.
Intros. stopped right away.
No bugs. Thought one of the old girls had something, but no one else did. Bathed, oiled, etc... and that girls' skin issues have cleared up.
How would they get bugs if there are no other pets in the house?
Started all the ratties on a probiotic this weekend to see if this might help improve anything. Been feeding small amts. of ensure to the old girls too and gave Miss Skrat a bit.
Well, i was hoping some folks would've experienced something like this before, and have been able to give me some ideas...
I can't just take her into the vet with every concern. I have two choices here... and, both are Very expensive. They want $150 just to pts.

Anyway, I'm thinking the probiotics are helping because her breathing is fine now... not a peep/chirp. And, she seems to have come around to her "luvy old self" again. :D

I think it may have been something she ate so strict lab blocks, veggies and fruit. No treats for a while.
Any time I have experienced a behaviour change like that the rat goes into the vet. Behaviour change isn't something to be taken lightly, it could be anything from mites to pneumonia. And in your case just because you don't hear the "chirping" anymore doesn't mean it didn't move into her lungs. Have you asked fellow Ottawa people if they know of a better priced vet?
I'd suggest you start a vet fund asap. Put a little bit away each month. Rats can get expensive. Might there be another vet less expensive around? We have a few Ottawa members here.
I would really see about getting a better priced vet, some can see sucker written all over us rat people because they know we love our pet and would pay anything. $160 for a euth is quite a bit, our vet is the only one who specializes in rats on our island and she only charges $55.

Sadly, rats are expensive and when they need to go to the vet, you need to take them. When you said "I just can't take her for everything" is somewhat true, but you don't want to mess around with infections. Ask me how I know, you'll see Stewarts name in my signature. He's no longer with us and I did get him to the vet, a few times. Proper care hun. If it was a child, would you say they wouldnt have to see a doctor if they had an infection? I'd think not. Hope everything pans out for your little one. Sadly, I have no advice as behavior change here always was a sign of hidden illness.
Thank you so much for all your comments/info. I wasn't sure that a behaviour change could mean so much more. Thought it might mean she was jealous or something... now I know. :)

The vet here can't see me/Miss Skrat for 2 weeks! So a kind member has given me some doxyvet. I will start today.

Also, am waiting to hear about other vets, and will try to take her in for a check-up as well.
I know there are mixed opinions on this but I personally wouldn't start her on just doxy. It's usually not a strong enough abs to kill off all of the infection so it can just end up coming back worse. Have you called around to other vets in the area?
hehe... I just got an email with this info about the Liston Animal Hospital. I am going to call tomorrow.

Miss Skrat has been good. No more strange nips. Have been giving her more attention and cut out treats. Not sure if she reacted to a different food?
I still hear the odd strange noise though so I will get that checked out.

She is such a good girl. I let her roam around the living room today for a bit. She came back to me on her own after 10-15 minutes or so. Such a sweetheart. :heart:
I agree that a massive behavior change and not wanting to come out signals something more serious. I would definitely be suspecting a respiratory infection, but depending on how long it has been around then it could be more serious that this even.
$150.00 is not even close to reasonable. Our small animal specialist doesn't even charge this AUD.

Please let us know how she goes at the vet and give her some gentle cuddles from me.
So we had two of our girls seen today. Hubby said he heard something from Miss Elliott too so we took her along with us. Funny, the doc. said she sounds slightly worse than Miss Skrat. However, both girls just have a few "sniffles". Nothing in the lungs, just some mild noised upper respiratory. Confirmed with me the dosing of doxy we've had the girls on and said to be safe, should keep them on this treatment for a month.
If the sounds come back, bring them back in and he will prescribe something else.
He was very pleasant. Listened to all our questions. Answered thoughtfully. Listened a good amount of time to their lungs/breathing.

$30 to see both girls. Said he is "supposed" to charge per animal, but since they both had the same issue... he didn't seem concerned at all. Didn't try to push his doxy on us. I appreciated his friendliness and such. I was pleased that he didn't try to "guilt me into anything", or charge me double fees... even though it was our first visit there. :)

Nice to get a check-up and know they are doing okay. :D Yeah. Can breathe a sigh of relief. :joy:

Added a post to the vet listings...
Dr. Steve Liston
Liston Animal Hospital

The last 2 years have seen the Liston Animal Hospital grow enough for us to expand. In response, Dr. Steve Liston has been joined by Dr. Ann McKenna. Together, they offer 33 years of experience in companion animal medicine and surgery. Dr. Liston opened the Liston Animal hospital in 2007, after 19 years of working in the Kanata area. Dr. McKenna has practiced in Ottawa, Quebec City, Florida, and Kanata. We offer medical and surgical services for dogs, cats, rabbits, pocket pets and small birds.

Call us at (613)591-0966 for appointments, or drop by to see the hospital. We can also be reached by e-mail at [email protected]
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, Ontario K2K 2A4

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