Hey everyone, I'm new here but I've had my rats for about 2 and a half weeks. I owned rats when I was younger too. Anyways I got these two rats a few weeks ago and one started sneezing. I was using Carefresh Ultra (white kind) but it was really dusty to me, so I thought it could be bothering my rattie. Changed to fleece and litter pan (I love fabrics and sewing, so I anticipate some matching liners and hammocks coming for them lol).
Anyways, the sneezing got better for about a day, just to return again. His total sneezing time was about 8 days (but NO other symptoms). Sneezing was constant at times but at times no sneezing at all. Took him to the vet (the ONLY vet I could even get to agree to see him grrr), and she gave me baytril for him. She told me his brother would probably get it too, so to just give her a call, and she may treat them both.
So here's the thing, he's only abt 10 weeks old (if I listen to the pet stores info :emb: ). The dosage of baytril is "one drop twice a day" for 7 days. She gave me .5 on an insulin syringe, and that was $35! You can buy a whole bottle online for $25 lol (although its for birds soooo). Anyways, I know they arent supposed to have baytril under 12 weeks. I came home last night, and my other guy is sneezing a little. :gaah: Do I call her for more baytril? Is this an effective dose? Is .5 even going to last me 7 days for one? And she told me to put it on the side of his mouth... well it looked easy when she did it. He's a sweetheart, and I don't want him to hate me, should I try mixing his drop with something? I'm afraid if he doesn't like it I'm going to waste the batril. He's really picky eating.
If you made it threw that post, you are wonderful lol. I know it's a mess of a post.
Oh and he was .28 kgs (half a pound). He has grown a lot in 2 weeks!!!
Thanks everyone.
Anyways, the sneezing got better for about a day, just to return again. His total sneezing time was about 8 days (but NO other symptoms). Sneezing was constant at times but at times no sneezing at all. Took him to the vet (the ONLY vet I could even get to agree to see him grrr), and she gave me baytril for him. She told me his brother would probably get it too, so to just give her a call, and she may treat them both.
So here's the thing, he's only abt 10 weeks old (if I listen to the pet stores info :emb: ). The dosage of baytril is "one drop twice a day" for 7 days. She gave me .5 on an insulin syringe, and that was $35! You can buy a whole bottle online for $25 lol (although its for birds soooo). Anyways, I know they arent supposed to have baytril under 12 weeks. I came home last night, and my other guy is sneezing a little. :gaah: Do I call her for more baytril? Is this an effective dose? Is .5 even going to last me 7 days for one? And she told me to put it on the side of his mouth... well it looked easy when she did it. He's a sweetheart, and I don't want him to hate me, should I try mixing his drop with something? I'm afraid if he doesn't like it I'm going to waste the batril. He's really picky eating.
If you made it threw that post, you are wonderful lol. I know it's a mess of a post.
Oh and he was .28 kgs (half a pound). He has grown a lot in 2 weeks!!!
Thanks everyone.