Barret's Abcess - Growing again - Now Theodor?? page 2

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
New Hampshire
Barret was neutered May 5th, I have had him since May 9th. He has had swelling where his right testicle was and it got bigger and harder over the last couple days. He had his health check yesterday and the vet and I decided to wait it out a couple days and then see if he needed abx or lancing. Today when I got home, there was no more swelling and a small hole with dark gray/black inside. It doesn't seem to be pussy and it doesn't smell. I don't think he's in pain, he actually seems happier today. I want to go back and pick up the abx tomorrow, but I am uncomfortable with that vet and I'm not sure I want her treating him. There is one vet close by that did a really good job with my three boys' neuters 4 years ago but I never had any other problems so I'm not sure how they are otherwise. I also have one recommendation for another vet in the area. I'm nervous to do anything in the meantime because he is not at all comfortable with me and won't stay still. I'm worried if I try to flush it, he will flail about and I'll end up infecting him or gouging him with the syringe. Does anyone have advice? I know I should keep it clean til I can get to the vet tomorrow (hopefully tomorrow) but is it worth it if I'm not confident? I am a nurse but have never had a patient this small or squirmy. lol

Just now:
When my rats have abcesses I always start Baytril. From the last pic it doesn't look that bad to me and if you're seeing the vet I would say to leave it alone. Maybe the experts have better ideas though. Good luck with your little guy.
I just talked to the vet and she recommended having it surgically cleaned out and that getting just the abx wouldn't do much if he didn't have the surgery. I don't think I've seen that anyone on here has needed that surgery. I mentioned that I'd heard that post neuter abcesses were pretty common and most people didn't get the surgery, and was it something she did often? I didn't get a very confident reply only, "yes it is a common thing."

Not sure what to do. I'm not really confident with treating it myself but I don't think the surgery is necessary as it is very small so far....
Is the abcess on the neuter suture line? It's hard to tell from the pic. If it's all healed you could "sit" him in a few inches of water and wipe the abcess if that's easier for you. Can you get Baytril for him?
I don't think it is, it's off to the right side. I don't remember seeing a suture line but I wasn't really looking for it. I got him 4 days after his neuter and didn't check it out til the next day because he is a scaredy rat.

I'm not sure what she wanted to give for abx, she's calling me back soon. I can pick it up tonight, whatever it is...I'll check here first to see if it's a recommended one. Do you think I should wait to see if its getting better before I consider surgery?
I really don't think there's need for surgery. Flush the area several times a day with salt and warm water, it will close up within days.
I have to say I've never seen a boy post neuter, but it looks to me like it's healing up nicely..

the swelling has gone way down and its' getting smaller.......
That neuter abscess doesn't need surgery at all. These things happen, the rat reacts to the suture material , etc. but as abscesses go they are simple to take care of at home, and we can help you through the ordeal easily with soaking and flushing at home,, and they usually heal up quickly and easily once they are open and flushed for a few days. I don't even put my munchkins on abs for ones that small :p
I agree with the others on not needing surgery. Sometimes abscesses do need surgery, when they are not healing on their own, in a dangerous spot, etc., but this looks like a very minor one. It also appears to have a scab that could be soaked off for drainage. Good luck, I've had post surgery abscesses a couple times and they all healed fairly easily with some soaks and flushes.
Ok good news!
I am feeling a little more comfortable with the idea, and I bet I can get him to sit still for soaks. Is normal saline what you guys use or do you use a more concentrated salt water mixture? I'm sure I have a bunch of sterile saline syringes around somewhere so if he will let me do flushes that would be perfect.

Thanks I will let you guys know how it's going! (And sure I will be back to ask more questions later)
The vet hasn't gotten back to me yet...
Yes normal saline. Once it is open you can flush it with syringes, I will say though that the curved tip ones are SO much easier for flushing in my experience.

Vets get busy, when they don't call I just call them myself :)
Ok vet never called, the secretary did. I told her i wanted the abx for all three because of the sneezing fits and Barrets abcess. She said it is going to be Baytril for all three. When I got there she said "you know its only two of them right, Misty and Theodor?" I thought we discussed this lol
So then she had me wait for half an hour while she called the Dr and got Baytril for Barret too. They gave 0.1ml every 12 hours x 7 days for Misty. 0.15ml every 12 hours x 7 days for Theodor. 0.16ml every 12 hours x 10 days for Barret.
11mg/ml in a 3ml bottle
Misty 250g
Theodor 316g
Barret 350g

I haven't done the math yet, I will after dinner. But I did enough to figure out that I need 20 doses for Barret and the bottle only contains enough for less than 19! That's ridiculous. I've also read that 2-3 weeks of treatment is needed for URI and when I mentioned that the tech just said she'd talk to the Dr. tomorrow.
Ok I looked up dosages and found 5mg/POUND twice daily. Is that correct? On here I found that some were using 10mg/kg per day or 10mg/pound per day. Big difference....

Anyway, Barret is 350g --> .35kg --> 0.77 pound x 5mg = 3.85mg twice daily.
11mg/ml 3.85mg/11mg ---> 0.35ml twice daily. He is only prescribed half that.

BUT if it were 10mg/kg per day would equal exactly his dose 0.16ml twice daily. Is the dosage on rmca wrong?

OH! I also read *do NOT give to rats under 3 months (one site said four)* Barret is 2.5 months and Misty and Theodore won't be 3 months for another week or so. That makes me nervous...
I gave his butt a soak and flushed. There is definitely some accumulation since yesterday, it is starting to get hard again.
Ugh I just remembered I had a dream last night that he had bumblefoot. His feet are more purple/brght pink than the others but I think that's just his PEW pigmentation!
Sounds like the abscess is starting to surface which is a good thing. Its getting closer to bursting which means closer to cleaning it out, and it healing properly :) The skin will darken and possibly roughen like a scab where it's going to open up. Be prepared for the vile smell.

Btw 1 kg = 2.2 5 mg/lb converted is 11 mg/kg.

The only thing you are missing so we can doublecheck your dosage is the concentration of the baytril you were given? (mg/ml)
I used .35kg x2.2 ---.77 pound The concentration is in the equation too, 11mg/ml ;)

The abcess opened up on Tuesday night, it's still open but it's getting hard and swollen again, underneath where the hole is. I'm hoping it doesn't open up into one massive wound. It doesn't seem like there's a scab, just discoloration. Its hard to tell with the fur but it doesn't feel hard or scratchy like a scab. I soaked him anyway so hopefully that helped to get some stuff out. Yay wounds are my favorite :sick2:
kelsey514 said:
I used .35kg x2.2 ---.77 pound The concentration is in the equation too, 11mg/ml ;)

The abcess opened up on Tuesday night, it's still open but it's getting hard and swollen again, underneath where the hole is. I'm hoping it doesn't open up into one massive wound. It doesn't seem like there's a scab, just discoloration. Its hard to tell with the fur but it doesn't feel hard or scratchy like a scab. I soaked him anyway so hopefully that helped to get some stuff out. Yay wounds are my favorite :sick2:

It opened up then closed again? When opened up it should be a cavity and pus should come out.
It opened, and it's still open but somehow there still pus getting stuck inside. It's around 2cm long and there is a small hole (open cavity) at the very top of it.
kelsey514 said:
It opened, and it's still open but somehow there still pus getting stuck inside. It's around 2cm long and there is a small hole (open cavity) at the very top of it.

if you flush it with saline solution, that thick pus will thin out and eventually be able to be removed.
Ok good, I'll keep doing the flushes.

After a neuter, I'm not supposed to be able to feel anything that feels like testes...right? Now I can feel that Theodor has a large lump in the center, right under his penis. I don't see any black like I did with Barret's and his neuter was over three weeks ago. PLease tell me it's not another abcess!!!

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