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Okay Kool it's gonna be a couple months before I can do intros with Dixie so that gives me plenty to make sure that the boys get along real well :) also I had work today and I ran around a lot today to get Dixie and stuff so here so I may not have time to do a whole hour intro when I get home at 11-12 tonight will it hurt my progress with them if I only do 30 min?
Okay I will give it a shot tonight when I get home tho honestly they are lacking on toys in the play area now... I stole them for Dixie >.>
Well the play area is going good Ziggy is a lot more relaxed and Bobo actually is really happy and popcorn ing around but Marco won't leave Bobo alone whether it be humping or just annoying the crap out of Bobo. Bobo gets alil puffed up flips Marco then goes back to popcorn ing around the room then Marco runs and picks on Ziggy for awhile and then heads back towards Bobo humping him or whatever then it's another flip then that's it the cycle starts all over as far as I can see everything it fine if I could just stop Marco from being overly ... I think he might be A.D.D.

I tried to get a vid but it was mostly me scampering around and it was too hard to keep up with them in this vast space and record I have tired the hand over Marco I've tried picking up and flipping him over and adding slight pressure to his chest nothing is stopping the annoying humping. Even Bobos flips only stop it for maybe 5 minutes as to Ziggy he would play with Marco but stayed away from Bobo entirely

.....should I try the car ride? To help chill Marco out?
So I kinda cheated :( I will admit it I did a 5 hour play area today and they were popcorn ing and seemed so happy that I put them all in the carrier and took a 10 min drive and came home and totally scrubbed down Bobos cage put totally diffrent toys hammocks food bowls in there and rearranged the levels so it was configured a lot diffrent and put the cage in my room and put them in it. One so it would have a totally diffrent environment smell and also so I could keep an eye on them while I sleep good news is that it went great they keep doing rat piles ontop of Bobo all day I stuck a dish with frozen peas and baby food in there and they all ate together. Only reason I did this is because Dixie I had in the ferret cage enforced with hardware cloth kept trying to climb through the bars and get between the cage bars and the hardware cloth and I was too scared she would get herself stuck and get hurt or worse while I slept at night so I now moved her into the Marco and Ziggys previous cage. They are doing fine and if it doesn't work I can put Bobo in the ferret cage he is too big to squeeze through the bars. My only issue is Bobo has a vet appointment tomorrow. Should I take all of the boys with to ride along or will Bobo be okay to come back to the cage?
That's not cheating, that's using good sense. You followed your gut instinct and you were dead on. That's awesome! Some intros take months, some only a week and then you some that take a day or two.
Yay for the sweet little colony!!!!
So should I take them all to ride along for Bobos vet visit? Or since the spent 24hours together totally fine he should be okay coming back.... god they are so noisy lol cage in bedroom good idea same time such a bad idea lol
Ace8670 said:
god they are so noisy lol cage in bedroom good idea same time such a bad idea lol

Are they making cute little noises? My rat Navi never made any noise until I was finally able to put her and Calista in the same cage.. now they are always grooming each other and making happy squeaks at each other. :giggle:
Lol not so much as noises themselves just noisy running up and down ramps pulling a toys through levels chewing up a box lol they are just loud lol was a few squeaks from them playing but when I got up to check they'd look at me like what? And they were all cuddled this morning
That's wicked cute. My rats hardly ever play with their toys. It bums me out!!! My boyfriend is always buying toys for them and they just sit in the cage unused!
I think they should be just fine not going with Bobo, but then, it might be good for Bobo to have the company during the trip to the vet. Whatever is convenient for you.
I decided to take Ziggy along with Bobo because i think he never get over the RI from last time due to low dosage so might be good to have checked out anyways And that way it's good for company :)
Lol here's a pic of Marco and Bobo lol Bobos hair is all messed up from being freshly groomed lol


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