Hey. Recently tried to introduce my 2 14-weeks old boy to a lone 8-week old baby. Used the carrier method and could tell that the baby wasn’t really getting along well with one of the older boys but they sorta tolerated one another. But they slept, ate and groomed around each other so I moved them back to the big cage (lower floor only) and they were doing really well for 2 days.
The brother that was tolerating the baby fought with him and the baby got a big gash wound on his back
Not sure what to do as I’ve never dealt with rat wounds before but he’s eating/drinking, even climbing the cage that transferred him out to. Attached some images of the wound, nothing super graphic but you can see the size. Just sprayed some saline spray on the wound. Does it look like he’d need to see the vet?
Also, how do I proceed to reintroduce them again? I don’t want the baby to get hurt again but I’m afraid that if I separate him for too long he’ll reject the brothers…
The brother that was tolerating the baby fought with him and the baby got a big gash wound on his back

Also, how do I proceed to reintroduce them again? I don’t want the baby to get hurt again but I’m afraid that if I separate him for too long he’ll reject the brothers…