Athena...Injured? RIP :(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Last night I came home to Athena huddled in the base of the cage facing the corner. I didn't worry too much about it. Last night I noticed that she was squeaking when sage would bump her so I took Sage out to run all night and give them a break. This morning Athena was still there :( I pulled her out and saw her puffy fur and she seemed lethargic. I gave her some baby cereal and put her back.

Tonight, same thing, except she was crying and shuddering when I touched her :sad3: I pulled her out and gently examined her. I *think* she's injured her hind end somehow, she winces and cries when I touch her hind end closer to her rump. She's been given some metacam. Let's pray it helps her feel better :(

A video I took...



Facing the corners, puffy fur, and wincing(or similar) upon touching are all signs of pain. I think you should take her to a vet. My Charolette just layed all flabby and had puffy fur, too. From the moment I noticed, she barely survived the time it took to take her to the vet. Yours already survived one night, but still. I think you should get her checked out. She may have even broken or sprained something, or may have digestive issues, etc.

Edit: Check if she isn't dehydrated- pull a pinch of her skin at the scruff. If it dosen't snap back quickly, she is. :thud:
Is she eating? Are her poops coming out normal/without pain? If they are/she is, then It's most likely not an organ injury, so it shouldn't be THAT serious, as long as she goes to a vet.
Aww, poor girl, she looks pretty bad. I hope the metacam kicks in quickly. And how sweet that with all that pain she wants to snuggle with you :heart:

Don't worry Aida, lilspaz always provides excellent care for her rats.
Dazzle87 said:
Aww, poor girl, she looks pretty bad. I hope the metacam kicks in quickly. And how sweet that with all that pain she wants to snuggle with you :heart:

Don't worry Aida, lilspaz always provides excellent care for her rats.
Oh, jeez. I wasn't hinting anything like that! Heavens no. I'm really sorry, lilspaz, if that sounded as if I was. :emb:
It's ok Aida :)

My plan is to let the metacam do its work, and take the edge off, and maybe I can examine her a bit better. I will check for dehydration, and if she won't take oral fluids I am able to give them sub-q if necessary (oral is best though). Athena is a new girl, who was given to me with a head tilt/inner ear infection and a URI (all being treated). I know she's a bit timid, and sometimes Sage is a bit pushy so at first I thought she was just avoiding Sage since she can be so physical, plus there's a sputnik down where she was sleeping...she's slept there normally before so I didn't worry too much. This morning, I couldn't do much of anything since I had to get to work. Tonight wee one has my full attention.

I always put up pics and posts because there might be something I missed.
That happened once to one of the babies, I thought for sure he fell and broke his back. I kept him warm and hydrated, gave him metacam and Baytril in case of infection... It took about a week and he slowly got better.
Sending lots of healing vibes to Athena...
So we have had normal pee and poo, the Torb has taken the worst away, and for some reason she seems comfortable on her back. I think the injury was to her left hind quarter. You can see the bruising coming up on her foot in these, but there's no swelling of her feet, and its hard to tell if there's swelling to the muscle.


poor little sweetie pie...:(
healing vibes her way...but considering she is in the best of hands, I'm pretty sure she will be up and running in no time :)
I obviously don't know what cage she is in, but if it's a Martin, could have she caught her foot on the ramp?
I know it did happen before with the Martins :(

and Peggy, what a great sense of observation you now have!!
Oh, yeah. Good eye, hopefloats!
It does kind of look like that.

She'll be better in no time. :]

Could someone explain what metacam is, and what it's for? From the context it sounds like it's for some sorts of injury. Charolette was given baytril, I wonder if there was anything better she could have gotten. I'd like to know for the future.
Aida said:
Oh, yeah. Good eye, hopefloats!
It does kind of look like that.

She'll be better in no time. :]

Could someone explain what metacam is, and what it's for? From the context it sounds like it's for some sorts of injury. Charolette was given baytril, I wonder if there was anything better she could have gotten. I'd like to know for the future.

Metacam is a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) that's used a lot by veterinarians for pain and/or inflammation. Torb is Butorphanol Tartrate, an opiate that can be used with Metacam for additional pain relief.
What a little sweetie she is. :heart:
It definitely looks like what happened to my poor Philbert.
Getting her foot wedged then hurting herself trying to get it out. :(
Hopefully not another trip to Dr. Munn. :gaah:
I think your file must be quite thick by now.
Sending kisses and hugs for poor Athena. :cuddle:
Awwww poor thing. My Rosie has the start of HED and she tried to climb the bars, lost her balance, fell and got her foot caught between the bars. Her poor little foot puffed up and turned all black. My vet gave me Amox in case of infection but she really hates it and with her just losing Squee, I didn't want to stress her out anymore than necessary, so she's been switched to Baytril. Its been 5 days now and she's looking better so I hope little Athena will do the same. Sending healing vibes for a speedy recovery.

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