Asher has a groin abscess - UPDATE! It burst!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Stafford, VA
Asher was neutered a few weeks ago and seemed to be doing fine. I just noticed that he has a groin abscess. What should I do? Should I try to clean it out? Hot compresses? Baytril? Thanks for your help!
Arlene said:
Asher was neutered a few weeks ago and seemed to be doing fine. I just noticed that he has a groin abscess. What should I do? Should I try to clean it out? Hot compresses? Baytril? Thanks for your help!

If you have baytril I would put him on it, it really gets things going. See if he will sit in a warm sink full of water, that will also really help. Wait for the thickening skin, the black mark then the scab. It will burst on its own and then the nasty aftercare begins. :puke:
Wow! You are FAST! LOL Actually the little black mark is already there. I do have Baytril. I'll start him on it right away. Thank you!
I checked on Asher's abscess tonight and it had started to drain. With my husband's help I expressed as much pus as I could, cleaned it off and put Neosporin on it. I'd already started him on Baytril. He was NOT happy but it has got to feel better! It was full of yellow and green pus, gross but good to see it coming out! Maybe the worst is over for him. I'm so relieved!
Poor Asher... what a yucky place for an abscess but it's very common, unfortunately.
I would continue to flush it and keep it clean.
I have heard not to use neosporin as it promotes healing too fast. Keep flushing until you know when its time to stop. :) Was it a big one or just a weee smelly thing? :lol:
I checked the abscess this morning and it is almost flat with a big scab on top. It wasn't a huge one, about the size of a pea. It's actually a triple antibiotic cream I put on it. Should I use something else? Also, I don't see anything to flush out now. Should I just keep giving him Baytril and keep it clean?
I don't put any ointment on my abscesses because you don't want them to close up too soon leaving some yuckies inside. You can try lifting the scab a wee bit to flush the inside. Definitely keep him on Baytril too.
EEEkkkk! Didn't mean to do that! I sure don't want to leave anything inside! I'll try him in a warm soak like I did yesterday and maybe it will come off. Is that the idea, to keep it open until it closes from the inside? It's fortunately been a long time since I had an abscess.

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