Any hope for a rescued (injured by snake?) baby rat?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
I got a call from someone needing SQ's phone number. The person had rescued a baby rat from a snake tank. The snake owner had put in the baby last night. The snake somehow inhaled some water from the dish while preparing to eat the baby, then dropped the baby.

It is about 1 1/2 weeks old, had been left in the tank about 12 hours. The rescuer just grabbed it and put it into her coat pocket to keep it warm on the way home.

All I knew to tell her was to try soy baby formula or kitten milk. If any of you have more suggestions. they would be welcome.
Poor little baby!! :eek:mg: I KNOW snakes need to eat but.... All I can think of is to take it to a vet to check it out and see what they say. Where do they live? Can they keep it? let us know what happens. :heart:
She can keep it warm by putting a heat pad on low under the cage... Not sure how many layers would have to be between the baby and the heat to be safe though... Also, teach her about stimulating the baby to go to the bathroom. Good luck to her on this!! It's going to be tough.
There is hope! I hand fed a ten day day old rat with a syringe, kept him clean, used a wet q-tip to stimulate him to go to the bathroom. He spent two days in a cage with a snake. Carried him everywhere when he was a little older. He was my heart rat, Hadrian, I miss him so. That little guy was sooo sure I was his mom, too. Best of luck. He is also the little guy in my avatar.

Rodentist said:
There is hope! I hand fed a ten day day old rat with a syringe, kept him clean, used a wet q-tip to stimulate him to go to the bathroom. He spent two days in a cage with a snake. Carried him everywhere when he was a little older. He was my heart rat, Hadrian, I miss him so. That little guy was sooo sure I was his mom, too. Best of luck. He is also the little guy in my avatar.


That is very good news, Rodentist.
I'll pass the message along.
:redhot: It shouldn't take 12 hours for a snake to eat its food. This is just so frustrating.
I sure hope this baby can pull through if not, I hope god takes him quick.
Baby is warm & has a stuffed animal to cuddle with, has been fed and pooped several times.
Baby is at the fuzzy stage of development.

Snake owner is an idiot that breeds rats to feed his snakes.
omg i hope he or she pulls though. yeah find my posts. um soy baby formula worked great for my little ones. if you don't have a heating pad i used for a bit a hot water bottle (the ones you put on your tummy when sick) and rapped it around a towel and then put it under the box they were in.



there's two of the posts on the babies i rescued.

if you need any info pm or email me i can try my best to help.
how is this lil' bubby?
man why don't people get their snakes chkn parts from a butcher? My cousin does, and he's had his snake for years....
It frustrates me that people can be so heartless, yeah the snake needs to eat, I realise this, but common there are other ways of feeding...

I'll be thinking of this little man, and sending all my good thoughts his way...
:heart: :heart: :heart:
mercurydust said:
Oh that is so cruel, if the snake doesn't eat, gulp, the prey withing the first hour it should be taken out because seriously, that becomes animal cruelty. Stupid person! I sure hope he/she makes it. :heart:

Actually, the entire process is animal cruelty :(

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