Another Fight ...Zuri is feeling better :D

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Zuri and the other 3 remaining members of the Horde...
Vesta (33 mo), Terra (Zuri's sister, 29 mo), Valora of the mucky eye (Vesta's sister) and Zuri looking great!



I am so happy for this :joy:
Shelagh, are you injecting the Gentocin? I don't think my vet would ever let me do that at home. I'd love to try something news on Jasper.
jorats said:
Shelagh, are you injecting the Gentocin? I don't think my vet would ever let me do that at home. I'd love to try something news on Jasper.

Yes, I am sub-q'g it, but gentocin can also be nebulized :)
My vet calls Gent and Dex "rescue shots"...

I just added the baytril back in so when I am happy with her resp. levels I'll wean her back to oral baytril for maintenance. ... ulfate.php
jorats said:
This is something you do when they are gasping or really bad for the rescue shots?

When they stop responding to oral see that breathing (they don't have to be open mouth gasping), and you cannot do much else for them. Take a chance and see if the Gentocin is the right ab. :) Soma responded to it a little, but Zuri is bouncing back within a day or so. :joy:

I find once they are at a terrible stage in breathing, even adding a steroid will help their breathing ALOT. Members of other forums commonly use it for end-stage respiratory.

For eg. Laila is now running around on the floor where before she couldn't even hop from the table to the couch arm. The heart meds are helping but the addition of dex/baytril worked very quickly. I didn't give her the 2nd dose and she regressed, so she will be on dex for the rest of her life for comfort and quality.
For Jasper, he's still very active but he sounds horrible. When my vet first saw him back in July, she told me he was very old and very sick, she doubted he was going to live much longer.

jorats said:
For Jasper, he's still very active but he sounds horrible. When my vet first saw him back in July, she told me he was very old and very sick, she doubted he was going to live much longer.


How horrible? Wilbur sounds horrible sometimes, but is active and licky and old. But when he gets sick I add the doxy to his baytril regime and he gets over it. Zuri was getting sicker so I opted for the gentocin and worked well :)

You could always try nebulizing the gent and dex and see how he does?

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