Alternate uses for rat run-about ball?

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My mom got my rats a large run-about ball for Christmas and the more outgoing one didn't seem to like it. I did some research on how to get them used to it and learned that they're not the best for rats. We may be able to return it but if not, does anyone have suggestions on what else to do with it? I thought of using it as a training tool, or a litterbox, etc. Anything else? I feel bad because they're pretty expensive at petsmart.
Most ratties don't take to them, just sit in it and poop & pee, but some will gradually get comfy with it if you start with short sessions, calling them to you & giving little treats when they come to you, some will love it once they get the hang of it..
If not, you can use hooks to hang 1/2 of it from the cage top and put in some pieces of fleece.
Very nice of your mom :) but they are horrible things!!
Good of you to figure that out, most people do not.
They do not have enough air flow so small pets, such as rats, can overheat in them and die

Plus being trapped in a ball is no fun for rats :(
Rats need a safe play area where they can run, and play and climb and explore and interact with people

Return it as that should not be an issue this time of year, even if it is only to exchange it for something useful like a hammock

Otherwise, you can remove the doors from both sides and hang the ball in the cage to be used as a hammock - and put fleece or something soft in it - BUT the danger is that toes can get caught in the slits in the ball, causing pain and injury (my rats have not been harmed by using a ball as a hammock, but I know of people whose rats have been harmed)
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That's a little overboard & unfairly critical, SQ, I don't need to figure out that they're horrible things because they're not. My Ellie & Russell (and a couple other kids I've had) Loved their balls, Ellie would have tantrums if she didn't get in it every day!
Used properly critters aren't going to overheat & die in them, they're not to be considered babysitters, they're just extra freedom for ratties who enjoy them and wouldn't otherwise be able to run around on the floor. Anything can be detrimental if mis-used...
160528 Russell Ellie ball 1.JPG
160626 Russell Ellie balls 3.JPG
That's a little overboard & unfairly critical, SQ, I don't need to figure out that they're horrible things because they're not.

Sorry, I didn't know you used them so my comments were certainly not directed at you, or at anyone in particular (and I have read posts about rats dying in them)
….. but I still think they are horrible, dangerous and no fun, imo rats need safe play areas not balls

btw love your area carpet
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Sorry, I didn't know you used them so my comments were certainly not directed at you, or at anyone in particular (and I have read posts about rats dying in them)
….. but I still think they are horrible, dangerous and no fun, imo rats need safe play areas not balls
btw love your area carpet
It's ok, different viewpoints are Good to let people who are new to something know both the benefits, and the detriments & dangers of things! (high-five sista! :D)
(thanks for focusing on my rug instead of my embarrassing dirty kitchen floor :oops:)