Allergy to rats

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Hey there! I'm allergic too.
Their pee gives me itchy bumps and their smell messes with my sinuses!

Keep them out of your room and designate one room for free roam time.
Wash your hands before touching your face, and learn your rat limit. I don't think my allergies could handle any more than 5 rats. Also, some rats make allergies worse than others.

While my rats are free roaming, I take a 1 part vinegar (vinegar neutralizes ammonia) 2 parts water mixture and I wipe down the entire cage including plastic, metal, and fleece surfaces (scrub)
I change their litter often (get a litter box if you don't already have one) and in general, make sure their cage is always clean.
I wear long sleeves when I handle my rats but if she only has air born allergies then that's not such a big deal.

As for medicine, I haven't found a good daily allergy pill that works well yet, but I keep a saline spray with me when I'm home and it seems to make me feel a little better.

But seriously, vinegar, it works wonders!
Good luck!
You didn't say if her issue was an airborne allergy affecting her breathing or a contact allergy affecting her skin? I have mostly contact allergy (itches & welts), but have had breathing issues when I had many kids.
For contact allergy - always wash your hands immediately after handling or cleaning of course, and as I just said in another post - you can cut the toes out of a pair of long socks to put on your arms, you can cut the shoulders & neck off a turtleneck shirt to slip over your head if they're on your shoulder. That's quicker & easier than changing clothes to cover up, especially in summer..
I also cover my bed with a blanket of their own when they're on it that I can fold down or remove when they're not there (I've had it happen that my hands touch theirs when I sleep, then I touch my eyes and have had horrible itchy swelling), so that fixes that.
For breathing allergy - an air purifier can help, don't have too many at a time, allergy pills if it's bad enough.
Hope your wife can enjoy your little angels without suffering them!
You didn't say if her issue was an airborne allergy affecting her breathing or a contact allergy affecting her skin? I have mostly contact allergy (itches & welts), but have had breathing issues when I had many kids.
For contact allergy - always wash your hands immediately after handling or cleaning of course, and as I just said in another post - you can cut the toes out of a pair of long socks to put on your arms, you can cut the shoulders & neck off a turtleneck shirt to slip over your head if they're on your shoulder. That's quicker & easier than changing clothes to cover up, especially in summer..
I also cover my bed with a blanket of their own when they're on it that I can fold down or remove when they're not there (I've had it happen that my hands touch theirs when I sleep, then I touch my eyes and have had horrible itchy swelling), so that fixes that.
For breathing allergy - an air purifier can help, don't have too many at a time, allergy pills if it's bad enough.
Hope your wife can enjoy your little angels without suffering them!

Thank you it was contact allergies and we have over come that with wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling them