Adelina - blood in urine :*(

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Portland, Oregon
When it rains, it pours. I'm certainly having my share of bad rattie luck lately. :sad3:

Adelina is 2 1/2. She's recently lost the use of her backleg legs, so spends a lot of time laying in her house. She still eats well etc. So that's good. We just keep her and her pal Teddy (who also has HED) comfy on soft fleece and absorbant blankies.

I went to change their blankies last night (which we do twice a day now that they no longer get to the litter box) and noticed Adelina had some diluted blood down by her privates. She's spayed, so I assume this is probably coming from her urethra. She's already on Baytril long term (for reocurring and slight respiratory problems), so we started Cefa right away. We have an appt with the vet on Saturday.

Thought I'd ask those of you that have seen blood in urine, have you had good luck with antibiotics when treating a UTI?

I'm REALLY hoping this is just a UTI. I lost Addie's mother Reina, to something that blocked her bladder. So I'm REALLY hoping this not a tumor or stone!
My little Jade had blood in her urine. My vet found cysts on her kidneys through an ultrasound. She was 2 months old when we found out. The cysts were so large they caused her urethral sphincter to remain open. Because of this dirt etc would enter the urethral and cause an on going UTI. She too was on Baytril until her death. The vet gave Jade a tiny life span of 6 months. This is not a sad story, as Jade passed in Dec of 08. She turned 2 the Sept prior.
When your sad, remember my story, cause good things CAN come out of this.
Since she's got some HED, she's probably dragging that end more. The Convenia shot seems to be a good med for UTIs. And it's dirt cheap.
jorats said:
Since she's got some HED, she's probably dragging that end more. The Convenia shot seems to be a good med for UTIs. And it's dirt cheap.

:sad3: They aren't using Convenia yet in the states (that I'm aware of). But Cefa is really a good med for this kind of stuff too. Hopefully, it will do the trick, if UTI is the only problem.
Cefa should do the trick. Hopefully it's just a run of the mill UTI. If it's an infection of the stump, Baytril did the trick for Bijou but it took an awful long time, several months but it finally cured it.

Come to think of it, cefa might be very good for the infection of the stump too.
Oh I sure hope so. Addie has been on Baytril for months it didn't help much to ward this off.

I could have sworn the blood appeared to be coming from her vagina. But if she's spayed, how could that be? Perhaps it was just pooling up in that area. Either way, Cefa would the the route our vet would hopefully in a few days, we'll see improvement.

I worry even more, after losing a rattie. I literally came home from the vet after losing Noelle, checked on Addie and there it was. :sad3:
Poor girlie! HOpefully the Cefa will kick in!

We had some good successes just with Baytril/Cefa but recently Lotta and Harold it didn't work and we ended up running a culture and they have some weird bug that can cause bladder infections etc and that are resistant to most antibiotics. We ended up having to go with Clavamox I believe (would have to double check with Susan to be sure)
Well, I'm happy to report the blood is already gone. So that's a relief and it appears the Cefa is already kicking in. We are still taking Adelina to the vet on Saturday to have a urine test done on her and her cagemate Teddy (he's showing signs of UTI too and/or kidney failure) to be sure we are giving them the best meds and they are doing ok.

I love the elderlies the most. :heart:
So glad that she is getting better. The only time that some of mine had a UTI with blood in the urine, Azithromycin did a great job. My vet gave them a dose at the high end. It was like a miracle; they'd have been dead if they hadn't been treated so quickly.
Addie is feeling even better today. She is much more alert and although she has no use of her back legs...she's moving about the cage, chowing down on her mush mix, lab blocks and enjoying pets again. :bunnydance:

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