Well I woke up this morning to a huge nest made in the cage. She had scooped ALL of the carefresh into one corner of her cage and then intricately laced in her fleece that I had given her. I was going to get a picture but decided I would do that later. I then went out shopping with my good friend's daughter to help them pick out her prom dress. When I got home I checked on her and heard the distinct chirping of baby erasers! WE HAVE PINKIES! I am not sure if she is done giving birth yet or if she just got done but she is breathing a bit heavy and her eyes are really tired looking. She is extremely protective of her nest, cage, and babies so I don't want to disturb her at all right now. I think I will wait until it is time to give her some dinner tonight and then I will rifile through the nest and see what we have and also snap a few quick photos.