Abscess on neck.

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2015
My boy Toki had a fast growing abscess on his neck which was surgically removed on monday (a whopping 400$ later). He has swelling on his cheek (same side as where the abscess was removed) and Im just wondering if swelling like this is normal? He seems pretty happy and healthy otherwise :)

Swelling of any kind is not normal. To clarify, are you saying that the swelling on his cheek developed after the abscess on his neck was removed?

Also, are you sure that what was on his neck was an abscess? From my experience, abscesses are generally drained, not removed. (http://ratguide.com/health/integumentary_skin/abscess.php)

I'm glad he seems healthy and happy otherwise. I'd be concerned, however, if it really was an abscess that was removed and then the development of the new area of swelling. Are you confident that Toki's veterinarian is well qualified?

Thinking of you and Toki and sending healing wishes!
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Oh please no :( you can see the swelling here
Swelling of any kind is not normal. To clarify, are you saying that the swelling on his cheek developed after the abscess on his neck was removed?

Also, are you sure that what was on his neck was an abscess? From my experience, abscesses are generally drained, not removed. (http://ratguide.com/health/integumentary_skin/abscess.php)

I'm glad he seems healthy and happy otherwise. I'd be concerned, however, if it really was an abscess that was removed and then the development of the new area of swelling. Are you confident that Toki's veterinarian is well qualified?

Thinking of you and Toki and sending healing wishes!

I take him to the only exotic vet in my area (I drive 45mins there) he seemed to know his stuff about rats when I questioned him. He told me if the abscess was simply drained then it was likely to come back. Ever since the surgery Toki has been back to his normal self. The vet confirmed it was a abscess and not tumor nor swollen lymphnode. The swelling has been there since I picked him up from surgery. It looks to have gone down a little since monday but Im still not happy with it. We are supposed to be having a post op check up tomorrow.
They sent you home with metacam right? The swelling could be a seroma, could be just abused tissue that is swelling up. Is it tender and sore? Hard or soft and squishy?

With abscesses the usual course is to drain them, once or twice but if it keeps recurring they remove the abscess capsule so it cannot fill up again. If you get another abscess on your rat insist on the draining first, and potentially save yourself the $400.
Metacam? The swelling seems to have gone down this morning, at the vets she said the swelling could have been irritated lymphnodes (they removed some during surgery) but they swelling is definitely going away :D
So glad to hear the swelling has gone down! It's also great that it was an abscess and not a tumor. I agree with lilspaz68 that, with abscesses, it's always a good idea to drain them before resorting to surgical removal. I also wondered if the additional swelling could be a seroma.

Hope Toki is continuing to improve! Thinking of you both.

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