So on Monday morning we said good bye to dear little Gumby. The euthanasia went really well. I know there is a post going on about the best methods so i will describe how my vet did it.
We used Iso gas to sedate him. How to deliver the iso gas seems different from vet to vet. My vet did it a really clever way: We used a syringe case: the larger syringes come in big plastic cases. One size is a perfect fit over a rats face. We filled the case with cotton and padded the edge so it would be soft on his face. Then we poured the iso gas (in liquid form) into the case.
Gumby did struggle a little bit with the case on his face, they don't like the smell. But it did not take long to sedate him. Then my vet gave him an injection of euthnol into his side.
My vet also did a postmortem because she was very curious about the abscess and how it started. So we opened up his face - it was pretty gross, but Gumby didn't mind any more - he was already playing at the Bridge.
The abscess had filled the whole side of his face with hard pus. There was no way we could have flushed it all out - it was so deep. She removed probably a jawbreaker sized amount of hard pus from his face.
My vet thinks it either originated as a tooth abscess, because the hole connected to a back top molar. Or, an inner ear infection because the hold also connected there. She also suspects it could have been a tumor because it was so invasive.