a usedottawa question post(posters need questions answered:)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
Hull,Quebec(not far from Ottawa)
Hi! I need some help from people who know a lot about pet rats. I have some boy rats, Shady is a big boy, very gentle...a little skittish, but if you give him a few minutes, he will come over and sit on your lap and clean his face. Slim is a little smaller then Shady, but he is the troublemaker...he will often chase Shady out of their little house and out of the hammocks when he wants to use them. And when they come out of they're cage in the evenings, he will spend a lot of his time just chasing Shady and jumping on his head. I bought them together and they were fine for a while, but this week they started fighting like crazy! I think Shady just got tired of getting pushed around. I thought this might be normal boy rat behavior, but when I was cleaning the cage tonight, they started fighting again. I went over to break them up, and I noticed that Slim had a gash on his shoulder. What should I do?



I did email them and told them they should come here and post it also. And also said it could be male hormones going if they are around teen age and neuter may help.
There might have been a change in the home which is why the rats are acting up more. Changes like moving the cage, changing the cage, adding a new pet to the home... or they might be bigger now and the cage is much too small for them.
How do you reply on usedottawa?

edited... I sent them an email.
i would say keep the wound clean so he does not get an abscess(those are nasty) HP i think would be ok to put on it.

Maybe they are trying to figure out who wants to be alpha in the group of two you have? I do not think getting more now would help but that's me at least until they stop fighting.

The only thing that comes to my head is neuter there is not much you can do to really stop them from fighting like crazy if they do cept that i think.

Others may have better suggestions too :)

There is a lot of people here that will help :) they have dealt with things like this a lot too.
ack that's a big one i know rat heal well most times but yes try really well to keep it clean, What about vet? im not sure if he would need medacam for pain or not though others would have to say more then me they know more then i do lol
im not too sure for poly someone would have to post. I do not think it would help for pain much. Medacam is for pain from a vet, Or you can use children's Motrin but you need to know the weight of the rat and stuff and dose according to what it says there in link. But you should wait to see what others post first or take him to the vet if anything :)

A good vet is listion animal hospital in Kanata only $29 for a exam plus any meds.
Hi and welcome!!!

Are both your guys nakies? That gash is pretty typical and looks bad mostly because he's nakie. To keep it clean, water and saline will do the trick. If you use peroxide, I'd use a tiny bit. I would not put any polysporin on it either... you want it to heal from the inside out and not outside in. If you promote healing of the skin, it can trap the infection inside and that's not good!

That cage is a nice big cage for the two and eventually if you want to add a buddy or two but you've got to deal with their behaviours first.

How long have you had these rats and how long have they been living in their new home?
saline is just salt water :)

Peroxide buuurrns. Im surprised your little guy didnt scream the house down. My mum went through a phase of putting peroxide on any grazes/cuts we got when we were young teenagers and we used to scream the house down lol
It sounds to be that the gash wasn't a real aggressive fight. It was one of those things where a rat should have zigged when he zagged. Especially on hairless, they get cut so easily because of their lack of fur.
I really don't think you have any aggression issues. Males play hard and rough and once in a while the alpha will assert himself but that's all very normal and part of being with buddies.
That gash is going to heal fast. I wouldn't put peroxide on it either.

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