I've just gotten into rats about a month ago, and since starting my research on how to properly care for them, I have found that many sites have contradicting info, so I thought I'd clear up some of the questions in my head. These are only the ones off the top of my head, and I can assure you that I'll definitely have more as I go on xD (Oh and I hope nobody minds that I put questions about habitat, food, behavior, etc. together. I thought it would be better to just put them all in one thread, but I can move them if necessary
1. How loud are your rats at night? (I want to get 2 boys, if that helps). My mom is a light sleeper and noise bothers her. I had to move my hamster's cage downstairs because she would run in the wheel, which rattled, and would occasional gnaw on the connectors that connect her cages. The only place I can keep a rat cage is in my room (and I just measured and the double CN fits perfectly between my bed and the wall), but if there was a lot of noise it would bother her. (Although by the time I can actually get rats, which is in one or two years, me might move to a different house so I could keep them in a different room, but until further notice....)
2. What are your cleaning schedules and what do you use to clean? I hear a lot of people say they use baby wipes. What brand? Do you let the cage air dry, do you wipe with water after, etc? I heard some discussions about vinegar causing respiratory problems on this forum (i also happen to use vinegar and baking soda to clean my hamster's stuff), should I avoid using vinegar?
3. So I've been looking around for the best food brands. Harlan Teklad 2014 seems to be a popular choice. I also live near the Uni of Guelph, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get it. I've read that some people mix it with Regal Rat by Oxbow, would this be a better option that just feeding Harlan alone? Also, how often and in what amounts do you give your rats treats (fruits, veggies, human foods, etc.)
Thought of another question, aha. My mom's friend got this fleece bed for me, ... 0549957989 I can't use it for my hamster because as soon as she sees it she immediately begins trying to shred the fleece out of it, and fleece isn't recommended on the hamster forum because it can cause internal blockages. I know people use fleece liners, but are these ok too?
Sorry for all the questions! Just want to make sure i'll be doing everything right
1. How loud are your rats at night? (I want to get 2 boys, if that helps). My mom is a light sleeper and noise bothers her. I had to move my hamster's cage downstairs because she would run in the wheel, which rattled, and would occasional gnaw on the connectors that connect her cages. The only place I can keep a rat cage is in my room (and I just measured and the double CN fits perfectly between my bed and the wall), but if there was a lot of noise it would bother her. (Although by the time I can actually get rats, which is in one or two years, me might move to a different house so I could keep them in a different room, but until further notice....)
2. What are your cleaning schedules and what do you use to clean? I hear a lot of people say they use baby wipes. What brand? Do you let the cage air dry, do you wipe with water after, etc? I heard some discussions about vinegar causing respiratory problems on this forum (i also happen to use vinegar and baking soda to clean my hamster's stuff), should I avoid using vinegar?
3. So I've been looking around for the best food brands. Harlan Teklad 2014 seems to be a popular choice. I also live near the Uni of Guelph, so it wouldn't be hard for me to get it. I've read that some people mix it with Regal Rat by Oxbow, would this be a better option that just feeding Harlan alone? Also, how often and in what amounts do you give your rats treats (fruits, veggies, human foods, etc.)
Thought of another question, aha. My mom's friend got this fleece bed for me, ... 0549957989 I can't use it for my hamster because as soon as she sees it she immediately begins trying to shred the fleece out of it, and fleece isn't recommended on the hamster forum because it can cause internal blockages. I know people use fleece liners, but are these ok too?
Sorry for all the questions! Just want to make sure i'll be doing everything right