40 rescued ratties April - June 2013 NB

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
On April 26 I was able to rescue some rats in Oromoncto NB
- 6 babies who were 5 weeks old ... 3 baby girls and 3 baby boys
- a very young mama (born Jan or Feb 2013)
- and her 14 babies who were 13 days old
Their story starts here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33987

Then on May 9 Lindsayfawn picked up 16 babies between 3.5 and 6 weeks old in Saint John NB and looked after them for a of week for me. Lindsayfawn brought them to me on May 16 so they could join the other babies
Their story starts here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=34030&hilit=saint+john

and on May 14, I picked up 3 baby boys, 5 weeks old, in Lincoln NB ... the younger litter of 12 newborns will be taken off kijiji and given to me when they are old enough to leave their mom

This was only able to happen because Kim at Mainely Rat Rescue (MRR) said they would take the ratties and Mainely Rat Rescue allowed me the privilege of fostering for them.
May 17 mama and babies in cages
Mama, her 14 babies and the Saint John baby girls in the top of the CN

baby girls

Saint John baby boys and the Lincoln baby boys in the bottom of the CN

............ no hammocks yet as many of the bouncy little babies are still too young
Because I have a broken ankle, Lindsayfawn was caring and generous enough that on Sunday, June 2, Lindsayfawn drove Fredericton and picked up the ratties.
It broke my heart to let them leave ... especially the young mama, one of the older baby girls and one of the older baby girls whom I developed special relationships with.
Lindsayfawn drove the young mama and 37 of the babies to Saint Stephen NB. There the ratties were driven across the border by Laurie from Calais (for MRR) who gave them to Willow (MRR volunteer) who drove them to Mainely Rat Rescue.
Hopefully they will all find the good, loving homes they deserve.

One of the baby boys is ill with an inner ear infection so he stayed behind. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=34289
I kept one of the top eared black berk Saint John baby boys behind to keep him company.

The younger accidental litter of Lincoln babies (kijiji newborn babies for free snake food) will soon be old enough to leave their mama and be picked up.

It is wonderful how so many people came together and worked together to save these ratties, including Kim and Mainely Rat Rescue, those mentioned above as well as the following people who have helped since I broke my ankle:
- thefriggintribe who cleaned their cages and cuddled them
- Godmother and Ratsforever who fed and cared for them when I was in the hospital and Godmother who continued to help until May 29