Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
jorats said:I think it has to do with all the postmortems she's done on our rats. Only 2 had CHF. So she strongly believes that heart issues don't really happen in rats. I've talked to her several times about it. She really hates treating something without knowing for real if it's indeed the heart. She's mentioned getting an ultrasound of the heart done but at $600 a pop... that's a tad unreasonable.
So far though, we've really been lucky and no real heart issues yet.
Unfortunately, there is not any other vet here that will see rats.
What about rats with huge hearts?
When my rats don't respond to diff combos of antibiotics but do respond to heart meds, we xray them to see if the heart is too large ... of course the heart can have serious problems without being enlarged, but that is something that can be seen on an xray.