Hello everyone! I posted some of this in my intro post, but I thought I'd post it here too.
my two rats are sisters, about 3 months old. Nibbler is black on top with a white tummy, and Sprinkles is white with a grey hood. I get them out of their cage at least once a day, usually more than that. I let them run around on the couch while my boyfriend and I are sitting with them. Nibbler will sit on my boyfriend's lap, and Sprinkles will run to a corner and stay there. They'll just kind of sit and sniff around, sometimes nibbling our hands or fingers to test them out. Then, Sprinkles will usually pee on me or the couch... she has peed almost every time I bring her out. Is she scared or can she just not hold it?
And then Nibbler will go crazy! She will run, run, run and climb over the pillows and our shoulders and try to escape from us. So after the peeing and crazy escape attempts, we will put them back in the cage.
I think the suggestion of "wearing" them in a shirt or sweatshirt is a great idea, but I know Sprinkles would pee on me... should I just do it anyways?
Another thing that is happening is that Nibbler seems to be very territorial. When I try to get her out she aggressively bites (draws blood).. it's not the investigating kind of bite. And if they are cuddling in bed and I try to pick up her sister she will bite me.
One more thing (last one, promise!)... I have a littler box in the cage, but they don't use it. I put their poops into it, but they just keeping pooing all over the place. Advice?
my two rats are sisters, about 3 months old. Nibbler is black on top with a white tummy, and Sprinkles is white with a grey hood. I get them out of their cage at least once a day, usually more than that. I let them run around on the couch while my boyfriend and I are sitting with them. Nibbler will sit on my boyfriend's lap, and Sprinkles will run to a corner and stay there. They'll just kind of sit and sniff around, sometimes nibbling our hands or fingers to test them out. Then, Sprinkles will usually pee on me or the couch... she has peed almost every time I bring her out. Is she scared or can she just not hold it?
And then Nibbler will go crazy! She will run, run, run and climb over the pillows and our shoulders and try to escape from us. So after the peeing and crazy escape attempts, we will put them back in the cage.
I think the suggestion of "wearing" them in a shirt or sweatshirt is a great idea, but I know Sprinkles would pee on me... should I just do it anyways?
Another thing that is happening is that Nibbler seems to be very territorial. When I try to get her out she aggressively bites (draws blood).. it's not the investigating kind of bite. And if they are cuddling in bed and I try to pick up her sister she will bite me.
One more thing (last one, promise!)... I have a littler box in the cage, but they don't use it. I put their poops into it, but they just keeping pooing all over the place. Advice?