necrotic tissue

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Senior Member
Nov 13, 2013
Canada, ON, Toronto
I've posted before about my rats tumor and I've decided surgery is not an option.(shes very old) But he tumor has necrotic tissue all over the bottom of it and it smells pretty bad. She doesnt act like shes in pain, still eats , not to thin and looks happy as always. What will happen to the necrotic tissue? Is it possible that she will pass away on her own? I don't want to put a happy rat to sleep but I need advice. Do necrotic tumors cause pain?
I've posted before about my rats tumor and I've decided surgery is not an option.(shes very old) But he tumor has necrotic tissue all over the bottom of it and it smells pretty bad. She doesnt act like shes in pain, still eats , not to thin and looks happy as always. What will happen to the necrotic tissue? Is it possible that she will pass away on her own? I don't want to put a happy rat to sleep but I need advice. Do necrotic tumors cause pain?

Is the tumour just black and scabbed or is it opening up? Do you smell sick rat smell or infection?

It will definitely cause pain and illness as it can spread infection throughout her body. Not a nice way to go at all :(
Its black and scabbed, it's been like this for a while but its getting more black tissue now. She seems completely fine that is why I'm confused.. In evry situation I read people say their rat stops eating and moving and they just dont seem normal. But she's still energetic and curious.
I've also never had a sick rat so I'm not exactly sure what I'm smelling but when I hold her in a blanket with the tumor covered the smell isn't as strong, so I assumed it was the dead tissue that smells like that.
I've also never had a sick rat so I'm not exactly sure what I'm smelling but when I hold her in a blanket with the tumor covered the smell isn't as strong, so I assumed it was the dead tissue that smells like that.

Can you take a picture of it? The more experienced members will be able to advise you better. Sadly ruptured or necrotic tumours often make us have to make the decision for them...I waited too long once, and have regretted it ever since :(
This is what it looks like, the redness is underneath the skin not actually bleeding.

If it smells really bad that's likely necrosis/infection. Get your nose right on that thing and sniff...infection is FOUL. If it smells meaty then its not infected just yet.

Is she on fleece or some type of soft bedding that won't abrade the tumour where it rubs when she walks?
It doesn't smell unbearable so I'm guessing its not infected. Right now She has half her cage in cotton material and half newpaper(their potty and food areas) will the newspaper hurt her? Before I put the news paper down I could hear it scrape against the plastic, so I put it down right away. She also lives with a cage mate, I'm not sure if I should keep her alone or leave her with her mate. They've been together since birth so I'm not sure how they'll react
It doesn't smell unbearable so I'm guessing its not infected. Right now She has half her cage in cotton material and half newpaper(their potty and food areas) will the newspaper hurt her? Before I put the news paper down I could hear it scrape against the plastic, so I put it down right away. She also lives with a cage mate, I'm not sure if I should keep her alone or leave her with her mate. They've been together since birth so I'm not sure how they'll react

You have to leave them together if you can. I would try for something like fleece changed often. My worry is that the scab is covering the infection smell, so keep smelling it.
Ok, i made her cage more comfortable and left her cage mate in there. Do you think theres any possible way for her to pass away without being put to sleep? Or does it look like it will definitely make her suffer until I have no choice. I've heard horrible stories about rats being pts.
Ok, i made her cage more comfortable and left her cage mate in there. Do you think theres any possible way for her to pass away without being put to sleep? Or does it look like it will definitely make her suffer until I have no choice. I've heard horrible stories about rats being pts.

How old is your girl? What is her overall health beyond the issue of the tumour?

A humane euthanasia is the last and most loving gift you can give to your rat if you have to.

As for the horror stories, it depends on your vet, and what method is being used, but there really is only 2 humane options at the vet. Where are you located in Canada? Maybe someone can recommend a vet near you that is known to do a proper euth.
She's around 3 and a half. Beside the tumor her health seems fine, I haven't had any problems with her. The only issue she's ever had was lice and that turned out fine. She seems happy and completely normal. I live in Toronto.
Wow, 3 and a half that's a lot!
Possibly she is too old for surgery to remove the tumor, but have you considered treatment for the infection? As in, antibiotics to stop/combat the infecting tissue, and a pain killer such as metacam?
I just got back from the vet and learned of a similar situation with my oreo:
You can read over that and see the drugs that my girlie got.
She's around 3 and a half. Beside the tumor her health seems fine, I haven't had any problems with her. The only issue she's ever had was lice and that turned out fine. She seems happy and completely normal. I live in Toronto.

If your girl starts to suffer, call Greenwood Park Animal Hospital, for Dr. Munn at (416) 778-6666. He is my vet and one of the best rat vets out there, he also does a very humane euthanasia.
Wow, 3 and a half that's a lot!
Possibly she is too old for surgery to remove the tumor, but have you considered treatment for the infection? As in, antibiotics to stop/combat the infecting tissue, and a pain killer such as metacam?
I just got back from the vet and learned of a similar situation with my oreo:
You can read over that and see the drugs that my girlie got.

I would definitely be interested in getting meds for her. Could you tell me the approximate price for this kind of vet appointment? It will be her first time at a vet.
I would definitely be interested in getting meds for her. Could you tell me the approximate price for this kind of vet appointment? It will be her first time at a vet.
Sure, Minnie.

At my vet's, I pay $80 per examination/visit alone, which I know is pretty steep, and many vets charge less-- you should call Dr.Munn and ask, but it is worth it, trust me!
I was given two antibiotics:
Trimeth/Sulfa Suspension, a 5ml bottle--- $16
Metacam 5ml bottle--- $19

5ml doesn't sound like much, but it will last a very long time since the dosages are so teeny for rats. Generally, more-common medicines are rather inexpensive, even in the long run- once again because rats need so little.
I forgot to add, my vet rocks, so she gave me a $30 discount because I volunteer! ;)

But generally, you want to have around $200 to be on the safe side, though around $100 should be enough for simple antibiotics and a visit.
Thank you I will take her asap. I was told that I can give her aspirin to help any hidden pain, is this true? I've read some pretty bad reviews of tons of medication, its so hard deciding whats best for her.

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