My beautiful Rhydian..

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
Long Island, New York
Rhydian was my sweet baby girl. She was a serious surprise, something I didn't know I wanted until she was dropped into my lap unexpectedly. My kitten brought Rhydian home at two weeks old, and with no other choice in the matter, I began to bottle feed the little fuzzy who just opened it's eyes not too long ago. She quickly grew on me even though I tried my hardest to keep my distance at first, unsure of her future. After a a visit with my vet, it became apparent that, in her best interest, I should continue to raise her, and keep her with my colony. Rhydian blossomed beautifully, from a clumsy little puffball, to a sleek, beautifully sculpted young rat. Though she was always skittish, if you gave her time to warm up, she was the sweetest girl.. her favorite spot to sit was inside of my shirt, nestled against my chest, beside my heart. I loved this baby so much.. she and I had such a special bond, something that not very many people get to experience, and even though I wish she could have lived a natural life in the wild, as all wild animals deserve, I'm so happy that I was blessed to take care of you, even if it was for just a short while.

Rhydian was one year, and six months old. Today she went in to get a spay, to eliminate the chances of accidental pregnancies in the house. She had a bad reaction to the anesthesia, and I lost her before the veterinarian could even begin her surgery.. I'm convinced she must have had some underlying heart or lung problem that contributed to her demise.. I'm still in shock though, and unable to really process that she's gone. I went in when I got the call, so I could see her one last time, and say my goodbyes, and apologies.. Her ashes should be able to be picked up in a week.

I feel so guilty.. I went into this nervous, but I never thought that something like this would ever happen. I just can't help but think about how scared she must have been in her final moments.. I just hope she knows how much I love her, and how much I mourn her loss.. I've been crying all day, and I can't stop. I just miss her so much..

Here are pictures of her growing up... from two weeks old, to the day before yesterday..































































Sleep sweetly, my beautiful tiny little. I'm so, so sorry that this happened.. I take full responsibility, and just hope that you know how much I love you, and how heavy my heart is without you right now. I thought we'd have much, much more time together.. I feel like I cheated you.. but I do take comfort in knowing that, throughout your life, I did the best I could to give you anything and everything you could ever need or want..
I am so very very sorry you lost your sweet, when you were trying ti make her live a longer and better life. I had this happen as well (during the prep for the spay) and it was an underlying issue as both tried your best but her body failed her. Just remember that she beat the average lifespan for a wild rat by that is the glass half full when your sorrow subsides a little. ((hugs))
I'm absolutely gutted for you. Truly heartbroken. She was a beautiful lady and you've been through so much together. I'm positive she knew how much you loved her. It was NOT your fault, you were only trying to look after her. :heart:

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Aww Kat I'm so sorry about your little Rhydian.
I had tears in my eyes reading this. :sad3:
Always remember her for all the joy she brought into your life, she was a beautiful soul and I can tell from your photos she loved you.
Thank you for sharing her story with us. :hugs:
Rest peacefully sweet little one!
Your story of love really moved me. I am also amazed with your cat. I am so sorry and you are in my thoughts. Perhaps a new rat is in need of you now that your angel has gone to the Rainbow.

As an aside, was your rat then a wild rat? Was she different than a domestic one in your opinion?
TheRatGirl said:
Your story of love really moved me. I am also amazed with your cat. I am so sorry and you are in my thoughts. Perhaps a new rat is in need of you now that your angel has gone to the Rainbow.

As an aside, was your rat then a wild rat? Was she different than a domestic one in your opinion?

This is Rhydian's whole thread, from the day she came home to me. You can read whatever you want about her here. She was very different from a domesticated rat, and took a lot of extra handling and care, it's something that was difficult, but very rewarding to have experienced.

As for rescuing another.. not any time soon. I need to let my heart heal before I can allow another pipsqueak in. I recently adopted two boys, and they, and Dorian, my old lady, are going to be all I have for a little while.

Also, thank you, everyone, for the condolences.. from the bottom of my heart.
I am so, so sorry you lost your sweet girl Rhydian! My heart breaks for you - you were only trying to do the best thing for your baby. She had the most wonderful life with you, so different from the life she might have had as a wild rat, full of love and care and gentle kisses. She is up there at the Bridge and will be waiting there to greet you when it's your journey. Many hugs to get you through your heartbreak...
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I'm so very sorry you lost your girl this way. You did your very best & it's more than a lot of people would have. She was very lucky to have been dropped at your lap. :hugs:
R.I.P. Rhydian.
Beautiful pictures. What a blossoming girl! I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I am sure she knows you love her!

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I just saw this thread and everyone on the forum has already said such comforting things about your truly beautiful little girl that I can only echo what has already been said....Rhydian was an absolute angel and she was SO very lucky to have been taken in by you and given everything her heart one person said, she ended up getting a chance to have a pampered and comfy life compared to what her life might have been out in the wild on her own. I am sure she is smiling down at you with love in her heart. Just a beautiful girl. My deepest condolences. :cry:
I'm so sorry :( That was quite old for a wild rat though..usually their life spans are up to nine months..Not many rattie owners are as dedicated as you were to that sweet little soul..I hope soon you can remember all the happy moments throughout her life story and that YOU :heart: made a difference in her living in the first place being so young as she was :cuddle: :heart:
Somehow, I just saw this... oh no!!! Poor Rhydian... poor you! You must feel so devastated! :hugs:

I loved watching her grow up, she was such a perky little girl... I'm so very sorry for you...
I'm sooooooo sorry. I was so afraid that this would happen when Navi got spayed last month, so to see it actually happen to another rat is absolutely heart breaking. You did such an amazing job raising her and keeping her safe, but sometimes life is just really frickin' crappy and does things that are out of our control. You can't blame yourself, because you were doing what was best for her and you gave her an incredible life.

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