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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Oakdale, MN
Scabbers will be 3 in July. He has hind leg degeneration and is starting to lose weight (he's being supplimented with Ensure and NutriCal). Recently I found a "lupm" above his penis. It's not hard or round like it would be a tumor, cyst, abcess, etc. It's nore like his urethra is pushed up or something. He seems to be urinating fine (although he has been doing it on himself more lately, not sure if it's just him being lazy about cleaning though) and is not sensative when I feel around it. Any ideas what it could be? Here's a pic, it was really hard to get. You can see the bump, though.

I think you normally don't notice it on healthy rats, but a lot of my old HED rats show that. They haven't the muscle/flesh to "hide" it anymore. As long as everything is working and the lump doesn't grow, you should be fine. Wilbur has that too right now. Valora doesn't but she still has a nice weight to her :)
I haven't noticed anything like that on my guys but haven't really checked. I agree with lilspaz, if it doesn't get any bigger and your little guy is acting normal, then I wouldn't worry too much.

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