What else can I do? How long does Zithromax take to work?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
Bundaberg Australia

I've had Rosie on a Zithromax/Doxy combo twice daily since Thursday night (she's just had her Wednesday morning dose here, so almost a week), she is quite snuffly and has been for a long time, the snuffles also sound a bit gurggly if that makes sense. It's like a wet snuffle. Anyway, I tried Baytril and she didn't respond well at all to that, she was lethargic and not like herself at all. The Zithromax seems to be a lot better and doesn't seem to be affecting her mood but I don't think there's been any improvement in the snuffles. I'd like to keep her on for longer (as per Rat Guide - 14 days BID, then 14 days SID) but I'm up against my vet who likes to see an immediate improvement and usually only recommends a 7-10 day antibiotic course.
What do you guys think? Should I have seen an improvement by now or could this take longer?
Any help would be muchly appreciated as I want to see my vet and get more Zithromax by the end of the week so I can continue the course if needed.
Ooooh, no I haven't tried Benedryl. I will certainly try it though. How much do I give? Do I just follow the dosage rate for children and calculate it according to weight?
I fought noise with the little boys for a month, 3 different meds. Finally a combo worked with them and it took a few days you could hear a slight difference. I also took them into the shower with me every day to steam them. If my daughter took one at night time, she had them at night in there. I have used mucinex on my rats, for children, super small dose once a day but I havent tried it enough to say it helped or not.
i have had these boys since january 18 and they are still a bit noisy. I think some are just difficult to get rid of. I just moved them into my rat room on the 17th because I couldnt keep them warm enough out there and it has helped. I have this room warm for them and they sound alot better. So try to keep them warm.
Lol, it's 30-32Celcuis (86-89F) and very humid here at the moment, we have the air conditioner on most days :lol: At night we turn it off because it's a bit cooler and the air is soft and moist.
I've just looked up Benedryl on the Rat Medication guide and I've also noticed that Sudafed is listed in the first aid kit for nasal congestion too.
Which would be better? Or should I give both a try (seperately of course)? I've never used either one myself so I not sure what they're like...

Benedryl:used for allergy symptons and as a sedative
Sudafed: nasal and sinus congestion
I went to the chemist and sudafed only comes in tablets here.
Good news though, I think we've finally turned a corner with Rosie's snuffles. She's on Zithromax twice a day and doxy once a day and the snuffles have reduced and when she does, it's not nearly as loud and snuffly as it was. Yay!

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