I've adopted several mice with mites and have found the easiest way is through a vet. You treat with oral ivermectin every 7 days for 4 weeks. I had my vet do it so the dose was right on. I kept all 7 of the mice in an aquarium with only paper towel that was sprayed with an aerosol ivermectin, that way any mites that fell off, in between treatments, would also be killed. The aquarium was cleaned out daily with hot water and a strong cleaner, dried and replaced again with only the paper towel sprayed with aerosol ivermectin. (DO NOT spray it on your mice and wait for the paper towel to dry before putting your mice back in) It worked fantastic, the mice stopped scratching within 24 hours of the first dose and recovered amazingly well. My mice had a really bad case of mites and by the time I adopted them and started treatment, all 7 had lost more than 50% of their fur. My treatment went on for 7 weeks but the norm is 3, so doing 4 weeks of treatment would have you more than covered. The mouse is adorable BTW. Good luck and don't leave it to long.