Weird female dominance issue

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
My baby girl Charlotte has started misbehaving something awful. she is about 3 months old, and has not only started fighting with her mother, but also with the new girl I'm trying to intro with them. Both her mom (Grizzley) and the new girl (Blaze) are super calm, and I've never seen them initiate anything, but Charlotte attacks them at least 10 times a day (more for mom, since they live in the same cage). She also tries to mount them all the time.
She's lived with her mother since birth, and they've never had problems until the last 2ish weeks.
I am not sure what to do, but was thinking of switching up the cage situation and putting Blaze and Grizzley together until I figure it out. During their intros at playtime they havent fought at all, and in fact spend most of their time cuddling together.
Does spaying help with agression at all?
Honestly, I mostly worry for Charlotte, she starts things, but she's so small conpaired to the others that she's the one who ends up hurt.
jorats said:
Sounds to me like it might just be playing. Mounting is very normal, part of their daily play and instincts.

Yeah, but she routinely draws blood with Blaze (usually biteing her feet), and once got 2 large holes in her back when the others had had enough. I'm scared they might kill her.