We got the lone girl ...she died RIP Honey :(

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Moncton, NB
Well as some of you know we were taking in one of the lone girls that needed a home because their owner said they had allergies to the rat.
She got here today and with a blur of having the cage and shavings and other things given to me I didn't have much time to talk with the owner. In their emails that were exchanged they forgot to mention that this poor little girl is very sick. I'm not sure if they didn't notice or what but she is in very rough shape.
She is literally fighting for each breath and at one moment when I was holding her I thought she died because I could barely feel her heart beating. She looks sick, she's stressed out with reddness around the eyes (not prophrin but almost like the fur is gone), she's a bit under weight I think she's kinda bony feeling, and she has a very sore toe. The owner did tell me she got her toe nail caught on something. The toe nail sticks up straight and is pretty near off.

I'm going to try and get a vet appointment for her as soon as possible. I had some metacam here so I gave her some of that hoping it might help a little. Her sides were sinking in so bad when she takes breaths, she's very stuffed up that she's making noises with every breath as well as a panicked breath sound when ever she moves.

She ate a small piece of lab block so that's a good sign at least. They did say they wanted up dates on her but it still makes me a little mad they didn't take her to the vet, she has very obvious signs of respiratory distress.
http://s76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/be ... 102008.flv
http://s76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/be ... oubles.flv

I'm not sure if you can hear her breathing in those or not. I put her in a bigger cage as they had her in a hamster cage so she's in this.

We're going to name her Honey. I really hope we can nurse her back to health, poor thing. Is there anything else I can do for her until I get her to a vet?
See if you can get high energy foods into her...trouble breathing takes a lot out of a girl. The pink eyes are actually porphryin burning off the fur around the eyes. Seen that before.

Keep her warm, fed, hydrated, steam her when things get really rough and she's congested (watch carefully for improvement or worsening when she is in there with you). Do you have an inhaler in an emergency?
Poor girl!

I might try and feed her foods that she doesn't have to work at eating. Lab blocks are probably more work. Soft foods like scrambled egg, avacado, cooked pasta are good. A/D canned, high calorie cat food is what we give our sick, thin or elderly ratties. We mix it in with some fruity babyfood and ensure. Even the weakest ratties can groove on that.

Does she sound wet when she breathes? Or does her lungs sound crackly, wheezy? Hold her up to your ear like a seashell and listen for those sounds. Is she elderly?

The side heaving is a big sign of either respiratory distress or heart issues with congestion. Shy of getting her to the vet asap for baytril, doxy, lasix and maybe even heart meds....I might suggest you see if you can get her into the bathroom for some steam from the shower. Close up the doors, and hang out with her on the counter, while you run the hot shower to steam up the room. The only down side of that is if she's got a lot of fluid on her lungs, it might not help much. But if she's breathing heavy from something other than fluid in her lungs, she'll benefit from the steam. Part of a chocolate chip works in a pinch too. The chocolate is a bronchialdialator (I can't ever spell that word :oops: ), and might help open her airways a bit.

I honestly would try to get her to the vet first thing tomorrow, if you can.

I have a little boy I rescued recently (he's on the left in my avatar)who's heart was 3 times it's normal size and he was side heaving something horrible. We hit him hard with lasix (he's on a rather high dose) and he's on antibiotics and heart meds (he has an erratic heart beat). We honestly didn't think he'd make it and were just trying to make him comfortable by pulling from around his heart. I'm happy to say that Timmy is actually feeling MUCH better. But he was seriously on his death bed. He still isn't breathing normally....but he's feeling much better and has put on some weight too.

Meds can make a world of difference!
she sounds wet when she breaths and she is actually opening her mouth in a almost gasping way to breath. I called Clark from the advice of Holly to see if he may have some meds where I don't have the money right now to take her to emergency. He doesn't have any to spare so hopefully I can get her into the vet tomorrow.
She's not very old I would say maybe 8 months or a very small one year old? I tried the shower trick but it made her sound worse if that's possible. She wouldn't eat any baby cereal that I gave her and she wouldn't take ensure I had to force her to take it with the meds.
Her teeth are very white as well I just noticed
Maybe the vet would take a check ... you could post date it for Friday ...
Sounds like she needs a vet now.
If you can take her to an emergency vet perhaps a friend, family member or Clark could give you a drive.
We can let you know dosage amounts for meds.
I am sorry to hear about Honey, poor baby is having a hard time.

You could try some ventolin if you have some (used for asthma sufferers). This will help open her airways slightly.
Oh the white teeth are not good. That can mean a few different things. Of course ratties have nice orange teeth usually. White can mean a sign of poor nutrition and all sorts of things.

We took in a 9 month old rattie that was a childs pet :? She had lived on oreo cookies and crackers. Poor little love was absolutely covered in lice...I mean COVERED. She was skin and bones and breathing heavy. We got her to the vet and started her on meds...I fed her everything she'd eat, but she kept declining. Sadly, just 19 days later, I lost her to cancer. Her little organs were all infected. Her liver was so huge that it was restricting her diaphram and that's why she had so much trouble breathing. She too had very white teeth.

I sure hope you can get your little one to the vet for some meds. Gasping is not good, and you know she's probably just exhausted from trying to breathe. :sad3:
so when i got home. i gave her some good cuddles and eventually her breathing sounded better. she closed her red swollen eyes and got a bit of rest while i pat her nose. later she seemed to have a little bit of energy. she ate a few grapes,3 or 4 lab blocks, pureed carrot, a cooked noodle from my mr noodles. i have an egg cooling in the fridge for her too. i tried giving her a lettuce leaf but she didnt go for it.. maybe she just doesnt like salad? the poor girl is so malnourished. shes almost emaciated. i guess it depends on who you ask on the emaciated question. ive seen pics of animals who were crazily emaciated literally skin and bones. compared to our other girls.. she looks like an "ethiopian kid" :( she wont drink on her own.. so i keep dipping my fingers in ensure and she will drink it off my finger.. i did the same with water. poor girl is starving to death. and a nail on her back paw is ready to fall off and there is a scab ..linds said the guy who brought her over said she got her nail caught on the cage or something? :( whatever.... her nails look really bad :( her breathing has definately gotten better since i first got home 3 hours ago. tho we definately are going to take her to the vet tomorrow even if just to get her some meds. her eyes dont have poffrin but her eyes are all swollen and the skin around her eyes are all red. her fur is soft, but she looks just soooo tired.
im glad we have her now. honey seems like a tough cookie.. with tlc and meds, i bet we can get her better.
pls send some good vibes honey's way. :)
Poor baby I hope she gets better soon. It just kills me the way people treat helpless creatures. I get so angry reading these posts and seeing that you as a kind hearted person gets to clean up their mess and foot the bill.

If they want updates I say you give them one. Tell them that Honey was obviously sick when you picked her and let them know how much the vet bill cost you. Either they will respond be apologetic and maybe even offer to give you some money or they will just ignore you and if that is the case at least you will have let them know what crappy owners they were.
I would give them an update too and tell them everything that is wrong with her.. Poor Honey, I'm so glad she's in your care now.
Well this is quite the sad update :( Unfortunately we had to put Honey to sleep :( We got her into the vet early this morning on oxygen hoping that might help but it didn't. The vet said she was basically drowning in her own lungs and said that she couldn't even hear her heart beat. She was so emaciated and also had mites so that added to her extreme distress.
The vet said that at this point medication was a very very very long shot and when we tried giving her medication it would stress her out more and could put her in cardiac arrest because of it. We felt that it was better to her give her a peaceful send off then rather drag out a life filled with pain and misery.
At least she got the best 16hrs of loving she would have had her whole life. I will be burying her today by Templeton and Gloria.

I sent an email to the lady that we rescued her from this is what I said.

Hi Lisa,

Well I must say I'm quite saddened to give this information but the little rat that you surrendered to us has had to be put to sleep. She was one very very very sick little girl. My girlfriend and I spent all night with her as she had respiratory distress attacks. Her lungs were so filled with fluid she was basically drowning in her own fluid from her lungs. We rushed her to the vet early this morning and got her on Oxygen hoping that it may help but it did not bring much ease to this poor little girl that we renamed Honey. She was literally gasping for each painful breath. Our Vet said her lungs were so full that she could not even hear her heart beat. She was extremely emaciated and also had mites which added to her distress.
Medication wouldn't have been able to help at this point so the only last gift we were able to give her was a peaceful send off to the rattie bridge. She is much better off now that she is not suffering and I hope she knew that for at least the 16hrs we held her she was being well loved.

Lindsay and Angie.

Kind of a nice but also guilt trip. Really pisses me off that people don't know how to take care of their pets then are quick to give them away to someone else.

RIP Honey
:rant: I am so very sorry to hear about Honey. Thank goodness you were both there for her in her final moments and did the very best you could by her. She is no longer suffering. RIP HONEY.

It just really, really pisses me off. There really is a special place for people like this. :redhot:
I'm so sorry. :( But most of the time these people don't care at all what happens. They shouldn't be allowed to have any pet at all. But Honey got to know what real love is at the end of her life. :hugs:
I am so so sorry! :sad3: My heart really goes out to you (I've been in a similar situation with a rescue girl. We had her for 19 days, but she took my heart when she left). You know, you gave little Honey the kindest gift you could have given her....you set her free of her suffering. Lord only knows how long she suffered trying to breathe at her old "home". When their lungs are filled with fluid like that, your vet is right, they are literally drowning.

I'm sure Honey is thankful that you took her in and wanted to do the best for her. And you know....you DID. You set her free. :sad3:

Im sure she is happy and strong again, playing. You will be remembered for your kindness and your karma is a bit brighter for having done what you did.

RIP Honey
I am so sorry. I know that this has been very painful for you. But all I can think is how happy it made Honey. I can almost hear her 'oh, someone loves me. And is taking care of me.' I'm sure that right now she is giving you a big rattie hug and saying thank you for setting me free.

Thank you all for your kind words, it's been quite a tough week loosing two girls. But I guess you have to always try and look on the bright side like you all said that they're not suffering any more..it's just hard to kind of wrap your mind around that though when you're the one giving the order to take a life. I can only imagine how our vet must be feeling who had to put our two girls down in one short week.
Thank you all again.
Lindsay and Angie and 12 wonderfully spoiled rattie girls.

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