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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
Palm Desert, CA
I have another question. I have noticed a lot of people talking about or having pics posted and using water dishes rather than bottles. Why? Is it better for the ratties to have a dish? When Willow was a baby she had a dish and always knocked it over and made a huge mess of things, so when she got a better cage, I made sure to put a bottle in. She is too old to change now (going strong at 3 years :D) but in the future when I get more I want to be sure to do what is right for them. I have learned so much on this forum, you all have been so wonderful. :bow: Thank you so much.
Water bottles and water dishes don't really make a difference. I have one cage with a water dish because there is a spot built into the cage for it. My other 2 cages have water bottles. When using a dish you need to get a heavy ceramic dish so that they are unable to tip it over.
Personallly I like water bottles better because shavings and what not can get kicked into the water dish.
I use dishes because my rats love playing in the water and it's adorable watching them bathe in it. They're built into the cage so that prevents spills. I've never had any luck with bottles, they're always leaking excessively.
My cages all have a water bottle on them and we change the water twice a day. Sometimes as they get older, mine have stopped using bottles. Then they get in saucers, and sometimes have soya milk.
I used water dishes until I switched to glass water bottles because there would always be some instance in which the water bottle didn't allow water to get through. I used the dishes as back up.
Now, I only have glass water bottles, except for one cage which has a dish because she NEVER used the bottle, and that worried me. Now she is unable to use the water bottle so I use the dish all the time (it gets changed 3+ times a day though - It gets gross fast). She still has a glass bottle just in case she re-learns how to use it and wants to.
I also have plastic bottles. But I have 2 in each cage, just incase. I also change them twice daily.
Bottles are the way to go imo...unless you have young, old or sick rats who can't use a bottle I don't see any reason to have a dish. Dishes usually (depends on the rat) get disgusting really fast. When I had an older sick manrat who needed a bowl I just remember how many times I openned the cage after just changing the water to find a poop or 2 floating in it. And personally I don't think it's sanitary for the rats to play in their drinking water.

I think what it all comes down to is opinion...either way it doesn't really matter as long as you are able to change your water dishes 3+ times a day.
I've got both in my cages. I've noticed my rats love to do a full body wash in the bowl of water. And others love to drink with their paws. One thing with bowls is you really need to fully wash them everyday with soap and water and refresh often.
I use both in my cages.
Water dishes are important for babies and also for elderly rats as they may not be strong enough to get water out of water bottles even tho they look like they are.
It is important to have at least 2 or 3 sources of water in every cage and good to check bottles at least a couple of times a day in the summer. Rats die every summer because their water bottle stopped working.
jorats said:
I've got both in my cages. I've noticed my rats love to do a full body wash in the bowl of water. And others love to drink with their paws. One thing with bowls is you really need to fully wash them everyday with soap and water and refresh often.

A lot of my rats ignored bowls, some used them though. But I know the babeis would just do the toilet in them... :sick2:
I use bottles because I found that the bowls were used as toilets. I use the glass ones as well (it has a duck floater in it), because they worked the best for me until they changed them then Wayne had to do some altering on them. I have two in my cage with three rats. When I had more they had three. When I have a sick one they still prefer the bottles so I put one down on the lower level (it gets ignored when they are healthy so I put them on the upper level) and put it low so if the rat is lying they can still get to it. It's really easy to get water out of.
Before my teensy babies got the hang of the water bottle, I gave them a water dish but they did just used to poop in it, and learned how to use the bottle quickly anyway. I've not had any troubles with mine not working, but I always buy the same brand now (Classic Pets) because my mum picked up some cheaper ones that really refused to work.
I have two plastic water bottles and one water bowl..
Some of mine prefer the bowl, altho they use both..
Mine don't usually make a big mess of it, if they are dirty, it's usually because they have just been eating and is full of "crumbs" from the food.. I change it X times a day tho(usually whenever I'm down at my room.. which is frequently)

The reason I started using water bowl, is because it said in one of my rat book(it sucks in every other way tho) that rats like to wash their feet and stuff in the water and therefore should have a water bowl..
I started with this when my oldest was almost two years, and he is the one that loves it the most, so it's never too late :wink:
It really seems to depend on the rats in question. I have some rats that promptly put their fleece/toys/blocks in the bowls... so I just don't bother. Others have been good with water bowls. So.... *shrug*.... see what works for you.

Some rats can deal with their bowls being changed only once or twice a day..... others are exceptionally filthy and if you had to use a bowl with them, I'd only do so if you can really keep an eye on water levels all the time.
Mine also like to put their paper towels, and fleece blankets in their bowels ..thats why I use water bottles haha
I had to use a bowl once and I don't think I'd ever do it again. It was always getting knocked over and soaking the bedding or getting filled up with everything. They would sit in it, poop in it, put their food in it, drag the fleece into it and then drag it into the house and dump it all over everything. Like somebody else said, I don't think it's really sanitary for them to play in their drinking water. Maybe some people will have success with bowls, but IMO I don't think they're worth the trouble. I'd use bottles and then regularly offer water at playtime if you have a rat that really likes playing in the water.

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