Vet...I need some hope.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Greenville Tx
I'm taking Chu and Moo to the vet tomorrow...
I'm really really scared for chu.. I'm getting a check-up, and everything, Just incase she gets moo sick...
Is that possible?
Moo's condition---
Possibly preggers, not likely, but she is huge, and her teets are showing mainly. Uhm Other than that, she's very healthy and does NOT sneeze like Chu does... Ever since i changed her bedding she hasn't sneezed
Chu's condition---
Blood... Just a second ago i found blood on her pink towel that i gave her, and the blood was from her noes.. it could be the poly-word, sorry i can't remenber it that well.. Because it Is kind-of mucussy(?) and pinkish red... So, i'm very very scared for her life... She's skinny, but seems to be getting fatter, she's eating more, but i'm not sure that she's completly ok...

I hope everything goes ok... I don't want them to be hurt.
Or me...
I really hope not.. IT scared me SOO bad when I kept hearing her sneeze..
And can you tell me a bit more about this porphyrin? I'm pretty new at owning rats... So can you please?
Miya_Moo_Chu said:
And can you tell me a bit more about this porphyrin? I'm pretty new at owning rats... So can you please?

Low levels of porphyrin is a normal occurance and is not something to be concerned about in itself. Porphyrins occur in a number of natural substances. Many rat excretions will contain it, inlcluding tear duct drainage and snot.
The reasons why there is excessive porphyrin is what should be concerning - it is often an indication of an underlying health issue like a respiratory flare up or stress.
Porphyrin is like snot for rats and they usually get this when they are stressed.

I think bringing them to the vet is an excellent idea, this will put your mind at ease or at least start them on meds if need be.
Chu is breathing very strangly... And still sneezing.
But thank you, I figured that too much of it was a bad thing...
RIght now they're talking in my ear... weird do's.
Gotta love that chatting that they do.
I was singing earlier, and they started to talk... I wonder if they like it.