Well-Known Member
I got a call from Chelle last night that we had a problem with one of Dee's RTR fosters and she would call me once she arrived. She called me back and said that Herri was paralysed in the hind end. She had pinched his toes with no pull-back reaction, and his tail was limp and "dead"...he was dragging his hind legs behind him. We decided that she would bring them to me (all 3, him, Finley and Gideon since you don't want to split up cagemates if you don't have to). By the time she arrived and I got to examine Herri, he was already doing a little better. I gave him metacam first thing for any swelling. His tail was more "alive" and he was able to move his hind feet a little, but still mostly dragged. I carefully pressed along his spine looking for any twinges or winces, there weren't any. I felt his belly gently and found a bit of tenderness, which makes me think he has a UTI. I have heard of boy rats becoming paralysed with a sudden UTI before on Goosemoose, but had never experienced it. The only other possible option was a traumatic injury where the swelling was pressing on his spinal nerve. He had fallen that day but from the shelf of an FN to the pan with nothing hard below...there's just no way that he could've injured himself like that.
The good thing is he's a wonderful boy who doesn't mind being handled and his friends adore him and cuddle around him, even Gideon who is going through an anxious hormonal phase right now. Looks like another neuter in my future :roll: But first I need to get his URI under control before he can have the surgery.
The good thing is he's a wonderful boy who doesn't mind being handled and his friends adore him and cuddle around him, even Gideon who is going through an anxious hormonal phase right now. Looks like another neuter in my future :roll: But first I need to get his URI under control before he can have the surgery.