UPDATE Putting Legion to sleep today, PT has gotten too bad.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Ok so some of you remember my other boy Willard who recently got a PT and I had to put him to sleep. Well Legion is willards blood brother..so its a 50 - 50 chance of the same geans :cry: Legion slightly sways when he walks but can still run and walk fast. if he climbs sometimes it puts him off balance and he tips a little but doesnt fall. when he drinks or eats his head slightly tips to his left side. and when he eats hes not grapping his food properly, he cant still hold food if he positions it properly but where he holds his hands have changed, they arent all the way out front, but a tiny bit out or sometimes he wont grab it from my hand cause it seems he cant control where it goes so he grabs it with his face..... Im thinking this may be bad.. :emb: Just after Willard too..

Update November 9
Legion is now very wobbly when he walks.. eyes still half shut he has energy but goes to sleep alot.. hes still got so much spirit for how he looks :sad3: he can not pick up food anymore.. he out stretches his hands when he eats and his back is perched higher up. He also misses the food and bites my hands more. And his head is slightly tiltedI think loosing his brother maybe brought on his illness faster? His brother Willard dyed of the same thing :sad3: Going through it once really made me stronger with this though.. we are just taking one day at a time enjoying this beautiful boy. Hes now 2 years and around a month old so I am so happy that he made it atleast :heart:
It could also indicate aging and a bit of loss with is hind end mobility. But it's not necessarily PT. When one of mine have PT, I never assume that the sibling will have it too. Until there are more symptoms, don't worry about it.
We lost Jacob last December to PT. His brother Dom has thusfar been pretty healthy aside from some chronic URI's and HED starting to set in. He will be 29 months in a week or two, praying he stays healthy and happy.
hes confusing me he lost some weight.. but now its just staying the same and he eats but not as much(so right there is why the weight loss) and sleeps a bit more, hes still eating funny.. and his eyes are never completly open, its not that WIDE EYED look that rats have, its like when they first wake up and they're half shut, but he still runs around a bit and plays but hes not breathing heavy or anything and he never sneezes...
I can't offer much advice with this since it sounds like it could be many things (and I don't really have a tonne of experience). Your vet might be able to shed some light on the situation.

Is he sucking in his sides and stretching out? I remember one of my sick ratties did this a lot with half open eyes too - found out it was becuase of the medicine she was on, it is a sign of abdominal pain. If he is doing this it could explain the lack of eating too. Its just a guess though.

Personally I would write down everything that I noticed over the past few days and take a quick trip to the vet. I'm not sure if this is an option in your situation, but if you are able to it may be a good idea, just for the peace of mind.

Good luck! And best wishes to your little rattie
When he sits to eat does he push his hind feet out in front of him more? Sit right down on his butt? Ends up resting his front feet on the ground to eat? He does sound like he's just getting older.
hes not stretching out or sucking his sides at all, breathing perfectly normal when comparing to my other rats. and he gets up and about to run around and play.. he just keeps his eyes half shut when doing it and isnt eating as much.. I gave him a piece of bread, Ive been watching him eat like crazy to see if it looks funny. he does not pick up the food, he rests his front feet on the ground infront of him, not stretched out.. just infront and his back feet are ever so slightly extended more to the front then they used to be.. if this is old age it just seemed to have happened too fast.. it didnt happen in the course of a day , came after a bit but still it seems fast also, he did loose his brother I know that will cause extreme stress and bring on illness, can it also speed up aging because of stress?
The appointment is for 1 today. some young pics of him <3



When they were younger, with his brother Willard who passed from a PT aswell... arent they beautiful?

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