Update on Archie and Kiki, and some questions.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
Archie, my 14-month-old, neutered male has developed a pea-sized, very hard lump on the fleshy bit between his hip and his ribs. It feels like it's just under the skin. I can pull it completely away from his body. It seemed to show up overnight. His coat is so thick that I can't see his skin, even when it's stretched over this lump, so I don't know if it has a head or not. He's not acting as if he's in pain, except perhaps slightly more snuggly-comfort-seeking than usual. I'll go to the vets tomorrow, but it must be an infection, right? A tumour couldn't grow that fast, right?

Assuming it's an infection, does anybody have any tips for easing a skittish rat into a warm bath, or is it something they either take to or not depending on the rat?
A FNA will tell you for sure. Start doing warm compresses just in case. With its location that is probably easier than a bath. Try giving baby food or something during it if you can.
A tumour can grow that fast unfortunately. But it can also be just a fatty deposit or even a harmless cyst.
What did the vet say?
I certainly wouldn't put him through a soak if he's a highly stressed rat.
Hmm. My vet says it's inside the skin, and recommends leaving for a while, then removing it if it gets bigger. Which is perfectly sensible advice, but I'd geared myself up for chemotherapy appointments and making chicken soup and shaving my hair off when his fur started to fall out. I'd got the Cancer Panics! People always lament the short lives of rats, but when I realised that if he can live another six months that would be a reasonable lifespan instead of a horrible tragedy, I started dancing around in the vet's office. I'm a fool!

He was SOO badly behaved with the vet. When she tried to pick him up, he virtually back-flipped out of her hands. I had to field him before he leapt off the table in a blind panic. He spent the rest of the appointment hiding under the blanket in his carrier, and she had to complete the examination by touch, like a raccoon. So, no bath for him, I think.
So, Kiki now has groin-lumps. They're between her tail and her urethra, and very small. She's very old now. She can only run or climb in short bursts, her back half is too stiff to let her jump at all, and she seems to be getting thinner every day, no matter how much I feed her. But she still has a very good apetite, and is eager to play whenever she's not tired (which is less and less). I think the best thing to do would just keep watching her until she loses her zest for life, then let her go to sleep. Is she likely to need painkillers soon? What exactly should I ask the vet for? Is there anything else I can do?

This is so sad D: Kiki is the loveliest rat in the world. She's so beautiful, with a black stripe all the way down her back, and has such a sweet nature. But she's just held together with spit and wishes these days.
Its very hard to watch them age and slowly change. One day at a time is all I can recommend. :heart:
When my old girl lost the use of her hind legs she did get little lumps too but with regular cleaning and vaseline they went away. I guess she was staying in her pee and that's what was causing the lumps more like a rash. I also had another oldie who had little lumps (felt like little grapes) where two tumors had been removed. Vet put her on Baytril and they never got big, she lived to 38 mos and had those lumps for a good 6 months. Hope this helps.
Well, Archie's lump happily hasn't grown much yet, and Kiki is still chugging along happily (a vet suggested that the lumpiness in her groin is just her rectum, feeling more prominent as she loses fat). But there are a couple of issues.

Roland is picking on her. He's started to steal her food, and he's trying to pull Archie and Kiki around with his mouth. I think he's just confused - Kiki's always been the dominant rat, and now she's feeble and sleepy - but I don't want her to get bitten. If it gets any worse, should I change the cage so that Kiki and Archie (who loves her) are on two levels while Roland is in a level by himself for a bit?

Also, Kiki is indulging in coprophagy. I've heard of young rats doing that before, but is it normal in old rats? Is it a sign of needing more nutrients, or even hunger?
Roland yanking on his buddies is normal, he's probably trying to get them to play. I wouldn't worry about that.
Coprophagy is normal in all ages for rats. I don't think you should worry.
Since Roland has more energy, you could maybe take him out more to play with you during the day.
Ok, since Roland is my one rat who can be more-or-less relied upon not to pee or nip, I shall spend as much time as I can with him in my jumper to give them all a break. Archie and Kiki are completely adorable together. Archie will go to great lengths to avoid stepping on Kiki, and is as submissive as possible to her, which I am sure is making her feel much younger than she is. His lump is still small and hard, so I am hoping against hope that it is a simple cyst.

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