Two neuters today - bleeding seems to have stopped

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
The two Siamese boys rescued from the snake owner last week were neutered today. (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=19711)
Both boys were sleepy but doing well when I picked them up.

This evening I discovered that one of the boys seems to have ripped out his stitches and there was blood everywhere.
I didn't contact whatever vet may have been on call for the city because I would rather risk him bleeding to death then risk what happened to Nicole.

Fortunately the bleeding has now stopped and he looks like he is going to be fine.
I'll contact my vet tomorrow if everything doesn't look ok.
You had them neutered...does this mean your thinking of keeping them???
It would be wonderful if you could keep them...they would be well cared for thats for sure!
Good Job! and Good Luck!
The boys are doing well and getting used to people.
They enjoy runing around on the couch and playing on the cat climber.
They seem to be ok with climbing on me and being petted.
From their reactions every time I reach into the cage, I think they are expecting to be scooped out for snake food.

But they are coming along well :thumbup:

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