Twizzler's back is missing fur!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
well as some of you know i hid some rats at a friends. Well i got them back. Well Twizzler my female agouti hooded has a patch of fur missing. My friend said, Hershey or KitKat got into a fight with her. Its not infected, its pretty clean looking its scabbing over. Should i just keep an eye on it? she is acting normal...running around trying to boss around the other girls.
Yeah, they do tend to get into scraps now and then, or sometimes they can get a little cut from powergrooming or rough playing. If it is clean and healing up, I would just keep an eye on it, make sure it continues to heal.
i was looking at that spot last night and it looked like it was a power grooming session! it looks like one of the other rats just kept grooming that spot and groomed the fur off it!

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