Tumor or cancer?

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Nov 28, 2008
Mal has recently gained a large lump overtop of one of his shoulders spreading basically to engolf one shoulder and between the shoulder blades, origonally the skin ontop of the lump was fine,(i figured it might have just been a reaction to one of his hamsters biting him, since he lives with my boyfriend that trys to make them be friends which iv told him over and over again not to do that) but recently it has become red, score & scabby, and today i was told he is losing hair, He is going to the vet obviously, i would just like to get a first opinon. Im assuming its a tumor, but i didnt think they would lose their hair and also have scabs ontop of the bump, so it leads me to cancer or something along those lines? My last rat i lost, lost all of her hair and gained scabs all over her body(it wasnt lice or anything of those) Because vets didnt know what was wrong until it was to late, i assume all the meds she had injested took her life due to her age, so it would be nice to go in with maybe a few ideas.
That sounds like an abscess, especially since the hamster bit him in the same spot. Your bf really shouldn't be mixing the two together. He's really lucky the rat didn't become aggressive and kill the hamster.
Abscesses are really easy to treat.
he doesnt have a cagemate, and we dont even know if thats where the hamster bit him, because he wasnt exactly paying attention.
It really sounds like it could be an abscess.

No more mixing rats and hammies! Bad, bad boyfriend! Bad! Hit him with a newspaper!

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