Tucker - neuter update

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2012
Chicago, IL
This little non fuzz butt is being a holy terror. Poor Wally is being terrorized! He beats up on him constantly and Wally just takes it - I have no idea why! He will stand there like a statue even when he has a clear path of escape.. Tucker will also go for the gonads when Wally is in his boxing stance, but has never done damage. I hate to remove Tucker's impressive pair, but he is being such an *@%. I thought perhaps maybe I should intro Clark with these two and maybe he would bring some harmony to them. I just don't know....

I think they have complexes because they do not have fur. Almost all of my naked rats needed neuters. Otto the little naked guy I have now is a terror in the cage to the other rats. He tries to bite me when I am in the cage. One day he will get my arm. He torments the other rats as well. Finley was a jerkface till he was neutered, toby was a ballsy little guy till I denutted his arse and Tweek and chimp were so bad, well they both lost them the same damn day LOL
I think they have complexes because they do not have fur. Almost all of my naked rats needed neuters. Otto the little naked guy I have now is a terror in the cage to the other rats. He tries to bite me when I am in the cage. One day he will get my arm. He torments the other rats as well. Finley was a jerkface till he was neutered, toby was a ballsy little guy till I denutted his arse and Tweek and chimp were so bad, well they both lost them the same damn day LOL

He has no problem with us. I am a bit terrified of that though and the fact that they are naked and I won't know they are about to strike until my blood is draining from an appendage onto the floor :ambulance:
You will know. None of those boys bit us either. It was all rat aggression or silly over humping or just being a little menace to other rats. Otto is the only one who I know would bite me. I think sadly him and Aaron will be neutered first before anyone.
Yikes, poor Wally.

I would venture an intro with Clark, just to see how things go.

But if they don't go well, sounds like Tucker's nuts need to go.

They are such an impressive pair though......they may charge me double for those big boys :cheeky: I do think we will go to the other vet though, they sucked in the medical skills, but their neuters were awesome!
I believe Tucker is starting to learn from the time out cage. BUT so is Wally, I've been watching them and whenever Tucker gets close Wally will screech knowing that will get Tucker a time out!!! These two are smart... I've even caught Wally now be the aggressor when Tucker is walking away - I know he's trying to get Tucker put in the time out cage. :grabhair:
Looks like he is going to have to lose the nads! He did a number on Wally last night and was put into his own cage to think things over for the night and let Wally get some peace!
Terrible genes over by your way. We have the same issues with Sudbury males, well, in the past we did. I'm not sure about now so much.
I will agree these midwest rats have balls of steel.. Hence the reason my neuter list grows by the day LOL
Jerk face (his new name for now) is officially living alone until we can get him in for a neuter! As impressive as his large man sack is they have got to go! He went on a vicious attack of his brother last night - poor Wally is afraid to even go back into his cage and when he does he checks every hideout and corner of the cage to make sure Jerk face isn't around. Good thing we were home to break them up! Found a laceration on Wally's tummy that obviously was a day or so old that looks like its going to abscess. Since these guys are nakies we keep spraying their scratches with the antibiotic wash we had for Clark's open surgical site (we have a lot of it). I feel so bad for Wally :(
Poor Wally!! The same thing happened to my two boys and I put up with it (putting him in time out) until I got bit so hard I still don't have feeling in my finger! The neuter worked wonders though and he never hurt me or his brother again. Hopefully Tucker will chill after his manhood is gone!
Poor Wally!! The same thing happened to my two boys and I put up with it (putting him in time out) until I got bit so hard I still don't have feeling in my finger! The neuter worked wonders though and he never hurt me or his brother again. Hopefully Tucker will chill after his manhood is gone!

The balls go on the 3rd - Happy 4th of July Tucker..... so far all my boys have become nice behaved gentleman with the snip snip
:giggle:- Ok this is funny - but then it's not !
I sure hope there is peace with your guys once the balls go.

I have to say my 3 boys have never drew blood between each other. I've heard a screech a time or two - but nothin happened.
Maybe its becuz they have small "unfirm" balls:toothy1: -- Really they do! ( does that MEAN anything ? )
Which is fine with me becuz I don't particulary care to look at those torpedo/weapons of mass destruction type balls anyways! I know, I know some of ya'll are proud of them thangs - LoL! I'll just stick with my deflated lookin' Texas boys - YEE HAW !!!
:giggle:- Ok this is funny - but then it's not !
I sure hope there is peace with your guys once the balls go.

I have to say my 3 boys have never drew blood between each other. I've heard a screech a time or two - but nothin happened.
Maybe its becuz they have small "unfirm" balls:toothy1: -- Really they do! ( does that MEAN anything ? )
Which is fine with me becuz I don't particulary care to look at those torpedo/weapons of mass destruction type balls anyways! I know, I know some of ya'll are proud of them thangs - LoL! I'll just stick with my deflated lookin' Texas boys - YEE HAW !!!

Tucker's balls are massive :eyebulge: Had the boys out together for playtime and Wally is holding a grudge. He won't even talk to his brother.. :cheesy: The screams that came from that cage the other night would have made a passerby think a homicide was being committed in the house!
Its snip snip day! Took a bunch of pictures this am to remember the massive gonads .... he apparently didn't like that since he tried to bite me! Good luck my nakie man ..... ♥
He will be doing much better soon, be a more relaxed, content rat without all those hormones driving him crazy! I also find (health permitting) that neutered boys seem to live longer :D
He has been living alone for a couple weeks now since poor Wally was under attack! We take them out for play time together, but Wally won't even acknowledge him unless he absolutely has too. I think he's holding a grudge.... :crazy3:

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