Those nails!

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Jul 25, 2010
So I've had my little guys for 3 weeks--they are close to 8 weeks old. They are complete and total shirt-rats. They go in my shirt first thing and just stay in there. For hours. In fact, it's now incredibly difficult to keep them out of my shirt. They will paw and scratch at the edges to go in there. They must be pryed out.

I don't mind this. It's nice having them being all snuggly. But their nails, they are killing me. I think it's becoming more of an issue as they gain weight and get bigger, but they are leaving thousands of little marks on my shoulders and chest. I can feel them when I run my finger over the skin there, just tons of little healing scabs. Wearing two shirts is probably not advisible right now because it's nearly 100F every day now.

It would be great if I could trim their nails--but I'm not sure how to go about it. On another note, I am very excited as they appear to just now be developing their siamese points. I can feel that the coat has changed from a super soft to a more slick feel, so this must be their adult fur coming in. I am very excited. :)
Actually wanted to add that I had OK success trying to trim the fronts with people nail clippers as suggested here and on a few sites. I was able to do a whole foot before he started getting wiggly so maybe this will be better done in spurts. I imagine I will need the bf's help for doing the back claws. lol
same problem here!
although i haven't yet developed the courage yet to tackle the claws as they look so tiny... i dont want to slip!
however mine are about nine weeks now - completely shirt rats until passing the eight weeks mark and are now explorer rats... i actually miss them being in my t-shirt and covering me in scratches, so much easier to keep an eye on them there!

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