There is a mouse in my new house

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
K-W Ontario
So I just moved in on the 7th...battle swine flu all this week...and today I discovered I have a house mouse!

Was putting away some dishes and out he came and ran under the dryer. Closer inspection of my shelves...he helped himself to my last pkge of English Toffee cap...he has good taste. Lots of itty bitty turds...seriously...compared to rat turds, they look like dust LOL.

So I'm off to Rona tomorrow. I mean he's cute and all...but he's gotta go. Can anyone recomend the best type of trap?

Also...are my rats at any risk of catching anything from this little guy? I've only seen evidence of him in the kitchen, and my rats are in the living room. Just want to be on the safe side.

They can spread little tiny bugs which wild mice are known for. The best way to get rid of him is with a newspaper :D Go ahead, stab me people there is no love when it comes to wild mice and I love mice, but if you catch it and let it go, it WILL return. Sorry Minuke, you have to kill it.
Not a good week for you. :D
Maple said:
They can spread little tiny bugs which wild mice are known for. The best way to get rid of him is with a newspaper :D Go ahead, stab me people there is no love when it comes to wild mice and I love mice, but if you catch it and let it go, it WILL return. Sorry Minuke, you have to kill it.
Not a good week for you. :D

Well I disagree you do not need to Kill the mouse. You need to find out how it got into the house if you can. Get a humane trap, trap the babe and take it many miles away and release in the woods or somewhere like that.
I totally disagree with Maple. We have mice living all around us and if you plug up your holes, they do not come in.
There are really good humane traps at Canadian Tire and I'm sure Rona has them too.
The previous owners of our house had either a rat or mouse problem. We have six cats, so the wild rodents are smart enough to stay out of our house now. We've only ever had one mouse since we moved in and our cats killed it. :(

The best way to keep them out is to find out where they can get in and fix that, then trap and release, as eagle and jorats mentioned. If you were to just kill it, another would surely find it's way in. Or you could invest in a live rodent deterrent. (adopt a cat :giggle: we just rescued a stray that needs a home :stickpoke: )
Maple said:
but if you catch it and let it go, it WILL return.

I have a question about this. How far away must I transport the mouse to keep it out for good? In the past 4 weeks, my wife and I have caught 5 mice, and I can still hear them running around on my floating ceiling in the basement. We trapped all 5 (individually) and I drove about 2 blocks away to a nice wooded area, where we let them out. Can they navigate back to my house from such a distance? Have I been trapping the same mice over and over again? :doh:
mice have small territories and should only be released 60 feet from their capture site. The mice you let go most likely were killed by other mice (whose territory they were released in) so they did not migrate back to your home.
in my last apartment (this was the awful one where we had cockroaches & our indoor cats got fleas), we noticed a mouse in the kitchen as we were moving in, but figured once we moved in the smell of the cats would keep mice away. which it did. we never saw any mice while we were living there. (it just did nothing for the other pests...)
In my house you have to kill it. I always have many female mice and I'm just not willing to wait around for a mouse to go in a live trap. There are plenty of food sources in here due to the variety of rodents I keep and the smell of female mice in heat along with the comfort and food they provide are a welcome haven. Sorry people but I'm not willing to put myself in the same situation as little spaz and sit wondering what I am going to do with all the babies. I would kill it!
Well, I just moved in so I'm not sure if mice are a regular problem. I tried a bucket trap last night (a dry bucket, not the drowning bucket)....but I didn't have any peanut butter (yeck)...and apparently mice don't like hummus :lol2:

As much as I'd love a cat, rats are about as much as my landlord can handle. I checked out those sonic deterents...but apparently they work on rats too and I don't want to give my babes a headache.

So traps it is. I got some peanut butter at the dollar store. We'll see how it goes. The little bugger is leaving turds all over my dishes, and I'm peeved that I have to rewash EVERYTHING. :gaah:

The irony is I went to Rona to get coroplast to finish my new deluxe rattie cage...and traps to get the mouse out of my kitchen :giggle:
minuke99 said:
Well, I just moved in so I'm not sure if mice are a regular problem. I tried a bucket trap last night (a dry bucket, not the drowning bucket)....but I didn't have any peanut butter (yeck)...and apparently mice don't like hummus :lol2:
I found that waaaay too funny.

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