terrified rats

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2010
so, those outgoing girl rats? yeah. not so outgoing anymore.

my Dad came home Tuesday or Wednesday (I forget which day) smelling like cat (he had taken a walk and one had rubbed up against him). he forgot about it and went to play with the girls. CeeCee got a smell of it and went from happily playing to being a rat pancake on the back of her cage, too scared to move.

cut to 2 - 3 days later and there's barely ANY progress. Pepper barely freaked about it until today. they both came out (CeeCee for the first time in 2 days. she's refused since she smelled the cat. Pepper had been gleefully playing until tonight) and almost immediately pancaked on the back of the cage again.

things get mildly better as long as they are left alone in the cage. I try to come by with treats as many times during the day as possible (due to this I try to keep the treats healthy, but still stuff they swoon over) and usually they are happy to take them, even if sometimes reserved.

I've seen this before. my previous group of girls, the one where 2 came home pregnant, when I was getting homes for the babies someone came by to pick up the babies and everyone freaked. like I had never seen before. the only thing we could decide on was cat smell, since I don't have cats and they'd never been exposed. it took them a few days to get relaxed, but everything worked out.

CeeCee on the other hand has gone from a rat that enjoyed running around the rat room and climbing up my pants, to going as still as a statue if I try to touch her. all this in a matter of moments :(

I've been working on trust training again, I put in a t-shirt that smells like me, etc. we tried removing some items my Dad might have come in contact with (just to be extra paranoid). but CeeCee especially just won't relax.

does anyone else have more experience with this? =/ what helped them relax?
well, we had a huge step forward today. I got CeeCee to come out and explore (and Pepper was her old self. being a daredevil and trying to figure out how to climb walls). I wouldn't say we're in the clear yet, she was much more relaxed, but is still super wary.
How old are these girls?
Could there be something else setting off the rats? Has their cage changed or something new added to the room? Are they kept separated from the rest of the home or are they placed in an area where there's lots of traffic? I'd keep a radio on if they are usually alone in a room.
jorats said:
How old are these girls?
Could there be something else setting off the rats? Has their cage changed or something new added to the room? Are they kept separated from the rest of the home or are they placed in an area where there's lots of traffic? I'd keep a radio on if they are usually alone in a room.

they are about 3 months old. maybe slightly older (between 3 - 4 months old. the birth date was a bit vague when I adopted them).

it literally all happened in one moment. they had been out playing with me for 30 - 40 minutes when my Dad came to play. CeeCee had been fine until she got a sniff of his the ankle/calf of his pants where the cat hat rubbed on him. they had no problems with being overly skittish since coming home before that. initially they were super skittish, but once we got them set up in the rat room they were fine. they've been really outgoing for the last 3.5 weeks. this is basically a complete 180. CeeCee went from actively searching me out to being scared of me :|

there's been no changes to their room other than cat smell. it shouldn't have tainted anything else in the room though. they do have a low traffic room (it's their own room. I have dogs who like the rats, but I don't want them unsupervised around them), but I pop in regularly. until this event they'd always be hanging off the bars to say hello when I came in. I may try putting in a cordless radio and see if the regular voices helps CeeCee relax.
I am sure it was the cat smell, from what you describe. I once bought a used cat climber from eBay. It was absolutely immaculate -- didn't set off my allergies-- and I set it up in the rat room. All but one of the rats became suddenly terrified, as if I'd shot a cannon or something. They hid and it took them a while to get back to normal after I took the new toy away.
It could very well be the cat smell in which case, they should get over it but their age is that age where some rats go through a fear phase. Lots and lots of socializing can help.

The reason I asked about anything new, with my own crew, if I add a new rat toy, newly bought from the store, some of my rats become very scared until a few days with the new toy, then they come out and investigate.
I've experienced that too Jorats! but that's why I was so shocked at the length of time/severity of the fear. usually new stuff, etc.

she's much better today, but the second the door opens, she's back to being very nervous.

I think I might put in a few more old t-shirts, etc. for them to burrow with. I think the more the cage smells like me, the more she'll get back to being adjusted.

it just blows my mind how smart they are. my Dad tried to play with CeeCee again and she actually investigated his pants (a different pair even) right where she had smelled the cat on him. I mean, inch by inch! it was almost like she wasn't convinced that he wasn't about to have a cat pop out.

it reminds me of the time I took one of my fearless girls from my previous group to the vet. she suddenly started acting really weird and freaked out. we were trying to calm her down when my vet realized we were in a room where they had been examining a snake earlier. despite cleaning/disinfecting, we think she still smelled the snake.

those little noses + instincts are so sensitive!

I think I am just as trauamatized as poor CeeCee. I've been really high strung about this! :sad3:
Except for two rats I have/have had, all the rest of mine are/were extremely fearful of cats. I first noticed a difference when I took my two rats camping (imagine only having two now! LOL) At home they would never venture from the cage or from me if in another part of the house. In the tent trailer, where there never was a cat, they would roam all over the place, happily exploring. It's a great survival instinct, but unfortunately it also causes them a lot of stress...
it's really amazing how strongly they can sense it.

CeeCee is nearly back to normal, but is still having a lot of moments of being wary.

Pepper got to the top of a 6' + book case tonight though. much to the jealousy of her sister. with that challenge done, she's now working on learning to climb the door frame :|

and I don't mean an open door. the closet in the rat room has some pronounced borders. she found out tonight that she can shimmy up it :|

one scared rat and one who is trying to scare me!

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