Rat Enthusiast
So my rat Moose has been scared of us as soon as we got him. He freezes in fear and just stares at you hoping you don't see him. It has been getting better and today he actually crawled onto my hand on his own! But tonight it got worse. I placed him and my other male Malcolm in an aquarium for a maximum of five minutes to clean their cage. and then he FREAKED. I'm not sure if rats can have panic attacks- but he definitely had one. I took him out immediately and he squeaked in fear when he was picked up. I put him in a blanket and we wrapped him up and cuddled him for a while. I'm pretty sure that this stemmed from his pet-store days and before that when he was with a breeder. I think he was abused and when he was put in that aquarium he remembered it all. I just feel so bad for my Moose. :cry5:
What can I do to make him trust me and open him up more? I know he has a beautiful personality but I just have to get him to trust me :cuddle:
What can I do to make him trust me and open him up more? I know he has a beautiful personality but I just have to get him to trust me :cuddle: