hopefloats said:
It is hard to tell if he is worse or not. It will be harder to climb uphill and that is mostly what you see. If he was on a flat surface it would be easier to judge. He would have to have a good upper strength to pull himself up that mountain of hammies.
oh well he doesn't go any faster on flat ground, he just doesn't need to rest quite as often but he still does not go very far at all without needing to rest.
I have not seen any HED rat videos or any videos of a rat as young as he is, being this, er, crippled, I guess you'd call it? not sure if that's a politically incorrect term :? but he's just so much slower and not able to do much at all.
I probably can get a video of him on a flat surface but his main goal is to get inside something and stay there.
This is my former Alpha rat, he used to be the guy in charge, who was all over the place checking on everyone. I am finding this very hard to watch.
at least he is starting to let me hold him and skritch him and stuff now, before he got angry if I tried to hold him and he'd squirm to get down.
thank goodness for Lovey, she will faithfully groom him from head to toe, while grooming herself at the same time.