Tail Injuries!!

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Senior Member
May 29, 2010
Guelph, ON
So I got home from my trip last night, and got my three girls home this morning from Chelle's. While I was away, it was discovered that my tilty Virgo had her ear infection come back, and she was put on Baytril/Doxy twice daily. I had never given meds before (only been a ratty mama for three weeks!), so upon returning home, I was more focused on learning how to give meds than anything else, and I had to go to work.

I got home from work about an hour ago, and had the girls out for playtime on the bed. After giving meds (which she took like a champ!!) I noticed Virgo's tail looked a bit stumpy, and upon further inspection, I saw this:

She also has some minor, non scabbing, scratches about a cm down from her scab.

I went to check the other girls, and they all have similar injuries :S

Gemini has it the worst, with a significant scab about an inch down her tail, and a lot of exposed bone at the tip


Libra seems to be the mildest, with two scabs, and no exposed bone.

Virgo also has a similar injury on her back inside toe. Not sure if its related or not. The injuries dont seem to be hurting them, as they allow me to touch the scabs and bone without pulling away or eeps of protest, just the "dont grab my tail" tug they normally do. They have all been seen bruxing and boggling since being home. There are no changes in behavior as far as I can tell (aside from maybe being a little tired), and no other symptoms (although being inexperienced, I dont yet know everything to look for). I have not seen them chewing their or each others tails at all, but I have been at work all day.

What could this be?? Could one or all of them be self mutilating/mutilating others, or is there such thing as a tail disease that they all have? Chelle thinks that Virgos infection came back cause of stress due to moving around so much (They were given up to GHS, then moved to foster, then at Chelles, then at my place. I had them for two weeks, then had to go out of province unexpectedly, so they went to Chelles for a week and back to me... phew!). Could this be because of stress as well??

Guidance and help would be much appreciated. Mods, feel free to put pics in spoiler if they are too graphic.
So, after consulting with people on chat, I am not nearly as concerned as I was earlier. I will leave it and let it heal on its own, keeping an eye on it in case it gets worse or anything else happens. Some more questions though.

What should I expect from the healing? Will the scabs fall off, will skin grow back over the bone/cartilage, etc? Anything I can do to help it along?

How can I tell if it gets infected, and what do I do if it does?

Should I get the exposed bone removed, to help the healing, as this site says? http://ratguide.com/health/figures/degl ... gure_1.php
The bone might very well dry up and fall off. Do you have any idea how this injury is happening? Any wire wheels in the cage?
With infection you'll get a foul smell, greenish colouring, swelling. You'll know if it's getting infected.

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