Tail Caught in Ladder (He's doing great!)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
My husband was separating the rats for feeding time as we always do cause Ralphie needs to loose weight and his tail got caught in the middle ladder that clamps up to seperate levels on the FN. He was freaking out for a good 20sec after it happened, crying spinning round, and holding his tail. My husband felt so bad! I got a look at it and there's one raw area but it doesn't look broken. I have baby motrin ( 100mg per 5mL) and was wondering what the dosage is if he weighs 690g? He is still licking his tail and this happened 10min ago. I'm worried he's going to make it worse? Anything I should look or for or anything else I can do to help him? I'll try to get a picture soon, right now he's too upset! :sad3:
About 10-15min. I gave him a dose of .3cc right after it happened, I have dosed with mortin before and felt confident with that dosage but wanted to double check! Thank you! How long should I keep giving it to him?
Slapdash said:
About 10-15min. I gave him a dose of .3cc right after it happened, I have dosed with mortin before and felt confident with that dosage but wanted to double check! Thank you! How long should I keep giving it to him?

See how he is 4-6 hours later. Often I find just the one dose will do it as rats heal so fast from physical injury, but if he's getting uncomfortable give him another dose.

Good luck!
handmeafish said:
poor thing! glad he didn't deglove his tail. Thats pretty much my worst fear.

Do you mean drop his tail, I've never had or seen a rat do that....I've had a gecko do it once...

Hope he's alright! He's probably just freaked out more than anything.
its where the skin gets pulled off, and leaves the bone exposed... i've never seen it personally, but i've seen pictures. i think its pretty common, but it can lead to massive infection if not treated.
Thanks again everyone, Ralphie is doing much better today! :joy: I think he did freak out a little when it happened, I couldn't believe how crazy he was acting for a minute or two there when he's normally so laid back! I gave him another dose of mortin in the middle of the night when i got up to check on him because he was licking it again. I got a better look at it last night, couldn't get a picture though, he won't keep it still long enough. There's basically about a one inch rectangle that was very raw, looked like the skin had been scraped off and then from below that point the bottom inch or so of his tale was purple and a little swollen. I was a little concerned about the circulation in the tip of his tale but today is looks so much better. It's still a little purple and swollen but the raw area has practically healed overnight! He's been even more lethargic than normal today, I honestly think he's a little upset still from the disruption it caused in his normal routine of being lazy and super spoiled lol He's such a big baby! :giggle: Thanks again everyone!
handmeafish said:
poor thing! glad he didn't deglove his tail. Thats pretty much my worst fear.

I was so afraid when I saw him freaking out that he did deglove or lose part of it! Thank goodness, it's a fear of mine as well!

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