Tail bitten off

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Dec 18, 2011
North Bay, ON Canada
Oh my goodness! It seems that Jack's tail was hanging down through the bars and the young boys in the lower cage have bitten it off at the inch mark. I didn't exactly see it but heard the squeal and turned around in time to see the little guys racing to their hut and Jack running away and licking his tail which was bleeding. Jack is Simon's (who died last week) cagemate. What should I do for him? I feel so bad it must hurt like crazy.

Jacks Tail.jpg
For starter take a picture. there is a huge difference with a tail being bitten off and it being deglovefd. You can post it on here. He will need pain meds since tail injuries hurt. Has it stopped bleeding?
I attached the pic on the first post.
Poor boy. You could give him infant Ibuprofen for the pain for now, a vet visit would be good.
It was degloved. He will need pain meds and a vet trip as said. Keep his cage clean remember his tail drags in just about everything.
I don't need to say anymore than has been said, but if you get infant ibuprofen and you need help with a dose we can help you with that.

As for his location, there's obviously aggressive rats below him as his toe is injured too, so you might want to put your poor boy on the bottom and the aggressive rats on the top where no tempting tails can hang into their own cage from above.
They (including Jack) reach at each other from the side and put their paws up or down into the other cage. It's a two level FN. I've set it up so that it has two cages, but can't keep them from trying to reach each other. They all do that and Simon did it too. No one has been hurt till now.
Do you think I should try to intro them all in the tub, so that it's not so important to find out who's up there or down there? The guys below are handleable, unlike Jack and Simon who are biters. Jack isn't half as bad as Simon was. Can't tell you how many times Simon bit me to the bone. My poor fingers...lol
if you have any cardboard or better still coroplast sheets, you could use that to line the sides of the top level of the cage to make it so their tails can't hang down. would help for the short term til you can get them all intro'ed.

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