I just noticed tonight that Heff has a completely swollen lower left hind leg. He will let you move his leg at the knee joint but doesn't want you to flex his paw from the ankle joint. He is tucking the leg under himself and the toes are bending over (almost like there is nerve damage) i'm a vet tech so i already spoke with the exotic dr at work so advised a drop of metacam and im going to bring him into work tomorrow. It just the craziest thing, he is eating fine, drinking well, and has been climbing his bars and whatnot as if theres nothing wrong. Has anyone ever experienced something like this before with their ratties? His "brother" Vlad has a seperate 2 cages beside him in the same room so i know it wasnt a fighting injury they cannot reach one another. (and they are both neutered so they don;t really have a tendency to)and both of Heff's cages are plastic bottomed, no wire bottoms and i use newspaper and carefresh bedding so theres no chance of a sliver or anything. Also i can't find any signs of a puncture wound, scratch or sores. (i thought of bumble foot to begin with, but there is no signs of that)
any info or input would be wonderful! thanks! and i'll let you know what the dr says tomorrow.
any info or input would be wonderful! thanks! and i'll let you know what the dr says tomorrow.